Best sto science ship. It's legitimately pretty nice.
Best sto science ship Perhaps the one place having a singularity core is a nice little boost. Not one of the best ships ever, but it can rip shit apart. Oct 13, 2022 · The Best Games Like Star Trek Online Star Trek Online is an MMORPG that allows players to dive into the universe that Gene Roddenberry had created. However, only a few of these will deliver the best DPS, maneuverability and available weapon and console slots to ensure that you are a formidable match for your enemies. The arbiter is also a ship with a great energy meta trait. They can all be made to work for endgame content. Oct 13, 2022 · The top 15 ships in Star Trek Online also include ships that will let you pilot the same starships as Captain Picard, Captain Sisko, and Captain Janeway so let’s make it so. The best two science ships in the game (IMO) are the Verne and the Dranuur. Verne, Legendary Crossfield, Edoulg. Without spending Zen or investing in a box / Lobi ship, the closest thing to a true science vessel you'll only find on the red side is the Fleet Varanus. Statwise the ships are well-balanced and you can pick your preferred option to get more sci or tac. I don't think Spencer mentioned it, but the Typhoon was a pretty solid freebie platform. Release date: September 24, 2019The Batlh-class Intel Science Vessel is a Tier 6 Science Vessel which may be flown by Klingon Defense Force characters, including Klingon Empire-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. While it's not the most efficient way to build a ship, I love using the Enhanced Plasma Infusion 3pc set, especially for the Focused Singularity Beam - a massive plasma beam/lance. " the temporal science is probably the most famous of the best science vessels, it comes in a very popular zen store bundle, seating is good, the console is okay and the trait is alright, and the console layout is also good. Qu’pla! Science ships work with science builds, they work different than your average escort or cruiser, no idea about the viability of science ships on level 40, BUT i can say with total confidence that my science EPG Gravity Well build its the best one i got, its fun, unique and really good for tfos. true. k. The Daemosh is an awesome science ship if you already own a bunch of other science ships. We have created a set of comprehensive build guides for the most popular build-types in STO. For the ship, you want a science ship of any flavour. I fly it with the Iktomi and Bastille trait for the 50 epg and huge exotic buff whenever I decloak and pop photonic officer. However, there are certain build pieces that synergize naturally, and player understanding and learning has led to natural groupings of build I got tired of chasing “the best” ships, so now I only used T5 ships upgraded to UX and try to make them the best I can. Qugh has a bit more of an edge due to its cloak, if you can get past its looks. and the trait and sensor package is hella gangster. All ships with a Commander Temporal Operative bridge officer seat also have access to Molecular Reconstruction. Can only speak for my personal tastes, but I feel the Ra'nodaire carrier is a fantatic STO made ship, perfectly encapsulating Romulan lines and combining a massive ship meant to carry frigates as its complement with the predator bird look typical of warbirds. As for your first T6 ship purchase, the following are the optimal picks: If you are interested in directed energy weapons (DEW) ship builds, go for the Arbiter or Kurak. I love that ship. The first part of my starship tier list This page lists Tier 6 starships by the number of Science console slots they possess. It takes a ship that was originally built as a torpedo platform and turns it into a very solid DEW ship. Oh, and it has 4 tactical consoles foe a Sci ship. If you want the hangar and a more tactical focused science ship, check out the Surhuelh (sp?). 5k refined dilithium - see the ship vendor) will allow you to use the Daedalus' skin on the Nautilus. 15. From my own testing, a science build without any ship traits is significantly more effective than a beam build without any ship traits. All 3 are good ships on their own, the science ship is considered one of the better ones and it would give you all three consoles to play with. Verne edges out the Eternal for top spot as it has excellent maneuverability for a science vessel and both cmdr and ltcmdr temporal seating. The Eternal is probably the best science ship in the C-store (and arguably the game) and is the ship that my KDF-Sci flies. Welcome to our build section! We have a wide variety of builds across any number of classes, build types, and budgets. More information on some of the Tactical Consoles in STO. just go buy the bitch. DeadQthulhu's step-by-step guide to the mechanics of STO. Due to temporal powers and other fun things. more. Most have one good ship and the others vary from okay to terrible at least at the asking price. Each section specifies a given number of slots of Science and either Engineering or Tactical consoles, with the third console type having two possibilities, the higher number representing a fleet-grade Oct 13, 2022 · Depending on your faction and your gaming goals, there are hundreds of ships to choose from. Any ship can be amazing if you put enough effort into it. The only ships in that bundle that have that are the Intrepid and the Glenn. You can’t go wrong with either of those. More information on some of the Engineering Consoles in STO. It's really good for full Wizarding! Having said that, the Titan is a fine ship. Romulan Legacy Elite Starter Pack - T6 Malem-Class Light Warbird This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Sci and tac can do 12% better than eng in a cheap sci build, in a fully developed one that gap closes to Dual beam banks fore + omni-directional beam arrays aft (even on a ship with 3 aft weapon slots, where we can only slot two: a set omni, like the Trilithium, and a non-set one, like something crafted or from a lockbox, thus making us slot a turret, which helps Mixed Armanents Synergy, or the Kinetic Cutting Beam, which, in a set with the Assimilated Module, helps cut down weapon power cost at Nov 9, 2023 · Last modified: 9 November 2023 One of the biggest draws of Star Trek Online is that it doesn't really pigeon-hole players into specific types of builds. Aug 2, 2021 · The Eternal is a close second, having been the best science vessel for years before the Verne showed up, and is a straight ZEN ship that you can buy for 3000 ZEN (or less if there's a ship sale). Verne has universal seating such that it can seat zero tac powers for full science magic, Edoulg has a hangar and an Intel seat (Intel has a power boost and Ionic Turbulence), and the Legendary Crossfield has a Command-spec seat for Concentrate Firepower. As expected tac is best, sci second, and eng third, but engineering will suffer more in science ships than in other types. It's that time of year again! Today, we're talking about the Top 10 Premium Ships list to pick from the 2024 Event Campaign! _____ Jun 21, 2021 · All the ships I mentioned have both the Molec Recon ship feature and at minimum commander temporal seating, and the ability to field both commander and lt. The bundled ones are very dependant on wanting those ships account wide. More information on some of the Universal Consoles in STO This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. In review, this ended up being a near carbon copy of EPHs on Dranuur, and while he has a much longer stick time on that platform, I was able to reach the same performance metrics without nearly as much. Since the toon is blank and just started I figured I would get some advice. It's legitimately pretty nice. - that will give enough space for high-rank SCI abilities for damage as well as Photonic Officer I or II for cooldown reduction. Feds would have the best Science ships, though that's less important with the new "fly any ships" unlock. To read all about the builds, follow the links below: Beam Ship; Cannon Ship; Torpedo Boats; Science Ship; Support Ship; Geting the most out of Hanger Pets; Ground Fun This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Also, leaning into pets requires a massive resource investment to perform like midrange beam or projectile boats (SAD is 80 million, scramble fighters is 300 It's 3 ships, 1 raider, 1 dreadnought, 1 science ship. Unless you plan to do space magic, the best ship is the one you would like the look of best that isn't a science vessel. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. Mar 27, 2020 · The best science ship you can get your hands on at the moment is the Verne Temporal Science Vessel. The Titan looks great, and I like the way it flies, but its rigid seating means it's uncomfortable as a tactical destroyer and it lacks the flexibility to swap modes effectively on th This page is a list of playable starships with Temporal Operative Specialization seating, capable of utilizing Temporal Bridge Officer abilities. Of those The only numerical analysis of this that I'm aware of is this Revisiting Exotics post, which covers science ships. Note that it is not a multi-mission explorer as you've listed: That is the Surhuehl line of science ships. Verne is technically a lockbox ship, but you can get it from one of the Mudd packs that comes around from time to time. but imo the superior tier 6 science vessel is the son'a command science. You won't find pure meta builds here, as those are even more expensive and heavily-specialized for specific teams and maps. Pages in category "Science Carriers" The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total. I'm looking for ships that have good Starship Traits Assuming you aren't talking about science/EPG focused traits, then the first two ships you should purchase are the Arbiter (or faction equivalent) to pick up Emergency Weapon Cycle; and then the Gagarin (or faction equivalent) to pick up Entwined Tactical Matrices. Due to its 5/3 weapons layout, full Miracle-Worker ship Specialization for Narrow Sensor Bands and Mixed Armaments Synergy. If you want a science ship that can do science (less good than others, but still has sec. The Pilot Bundle has interesting ones especially if you want the Phaser Lance account wide. I look forward to your quick replies. Release date: April 3, 2018The Sui'Mor-class Temporal Science Vessel is a Tier 6 Science Vessel which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters. Two or three SCI seats are preferred, with at least one Commander and ideally one Lt. commander seats with science abilities. The ship itself is also very solid for DEW builds. It's a future ship by default but acquiring the Daedalus Temporal Science Vessel (37. Gorn ships have been the original science wing of the KDF armada for a while in STO but never really come up that often. the eternal is probably the best flat choice, because its easy to get. * Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Eternal you can get as a ZEN ship quite easily. I also use a full set of Diffusive Tetryon weapons, either the Shared Processing Integration or the Reiterative Structural Capacitor console (they both do very similar things and fit visually), with the rest of the consoles boosting Tetryon damage This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. To read all about the builds, follow the links below: Beam Ship; Cannon Ship; Torpedo Boats; Science Ship; Support Ship; Geting the most out of Hanger Pets; Ground Fun Aug 2, 2021 · You can get the Nautilus Temporal Science Vessel. That's a terrible bundle if you play anything but a Fed toon. Dranuur is likely cheaper than any T6 Science Ship in the C-Store and is "unique" in that it's a scout ship with only 4 in the game (3 T6). As for individual ships that are cheaper, the new Rallus temporal science destroyer is actually surprisingly great as a DEW sci ship running Recursive Shearing 3, the Faeht Intel Warbird absolutely typifies the sneaky cloak and dagger tactics of the Romulans, with an enhanced battle cloak, and the Malem in the Romulan Legacy Starter bundle But, you can also see other tac oriented ships like battle cruisers and dreadnought and warships to use more efficiently. As Mmmm a have 2 (the cross ship (guardian - matak - aehaili) and the romulan pilot bundle in may opinion is the best A buying the vesta t5 and t6 (but the legendary versión vesta is best) in 35% this t5/t6 is 3500 3000. They have good all-round performance compared to escorts and cruisers, and have their weaker hulls compensated for by stronger shields. I use the full Incontrovertible Defenses space set, the Tzenkethi Resolve weapon set, and the Shell Shock console set. It offers the unique combination of a great bridge officer layout and one of the best universal consoles for EPG builds. Outline of build types, including sample builds. I have all 3, and a Verne, and until the Verne I ran my Eternal. When you do Ragnarok, the 31c ships are all over the place, so if the "non-canon" look is all that's bothering you, don't. Today, we're updating the Top 10 C-store Ships list for 2024! Also, check out the new outro animation from @_Pundus_ !_____ It's that time of year again! Today, we're updating the Top 10 C The cool thing about STO is that there really isn't a best anything when it comes to ships. It's also pretty. I have my own set of build guidelines that I It's just "okay" at best, definitely not one of the top science carriers like the JHVC and leagues away from the flight deck carriers like the Suliban Silik (available as a fleet ship). Such is the nature of STO. Can be setup a number of ways, buy excel at Space Magic using your bridge officer abilities to vaporize the enemy. The Titan is the best option for a pure sci torp ship, but I'd personally suggest the T6 MMSV. Oct 18, 2013 · Given the content drought, it is easy to overlook just how good the ships have been. ImperatorPavel was spot on with that. Trying to get ships before the current sale ends as well if there is a good ship pack in addition to the T6 Coupons I have. Oct 18, 2021 · This is a subjective list -- not one of the "best" dps builds, but of the best starships that are good overall for all playstyles in STO. The difference in their capabilities is pretty minimal, all things considered, so don't stress yourself out about not having the Verne versus using I already have improved gravity well and spore-infused anomalies, and I’m also going to be getting the Verne temporal science vessel from the event campaign choice pack since it’s the current meta science ship. It has a good trait and is one of the best dps ships in the game. The TOS Constitution is a very traditional, full spec MW ship. its a zen store ship. 5) Almost any cruiser or escort can work if you slap a bunch of phasers on it, and you will have more fun in the ship you like the looks of most. Is there a Meta Skill Tree to use? Going to be using the Glenn Legendary Temporal Operative Science Vessel for my primary ship. deflector), torpedo and energy weapons, I suggest to get the Terran Trailblazer. Nebula Retrofit (lv50 variant) and the Atrox carrier are some of the toughest science ships out there, and work best supporting a team or playing like a cruisery science ship, due to their slow turn rates and larger HP pools. The Into Darkness has the best overall value as all of them are decent. This This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Assuming OP was talking about science power. Science vessels are typically deployed in research and exploration missions, but are also effective in combat using powerful buffs, debuffs, and shield Aug 2, 2021 · Could be from Zen Store or lockbox ship, what's the best? The best science ship is the Verne, followed closely by the Eternal. This is a new ship and you need a T6 token that can buy those (e. Oct 12, 2017 · It's a decent ship. Com. Welcome to my builds page! I have a wide variety of ships and build types to peruse and well-vetted in their respective roles. Terran trailblazer is science warship with 4 fore 3 aft, Sci ship that can equip dual heavy cannons, and is command ship spec with mw as secondary seat. A Disco Alien (Science) and want to focus on Science builds. It's fairly simple, really. But truth be told, what you can do on one ship, you can do on any other, maybe just not as well. Analogous to the Nebula Class science vessel. Since there is a low probability that most of us will be entering space any time soon, games like this are the closest thing we have to ever exploring the cosmos. Which ones are good? Which ones are not? There's three things in common with between starship traits, personal traits, kit modules, hangar pets and doffs: 1) There's a ton of choices 2) Many of them are expensive 3) This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. If you want dps look at the Gagarin miracle worker. size of a proper starship, sleek visual design, good in a turn and in a line as any other science. (science vessels only have 6 weapons compare to the usual 8 or 7. But the Annorax is not the best science ship these days. Yes, yes, some ships do certain kinds of builds better than others, sure. Cryptic dropped the bomb on this and I feel gipped as a KDF/Rom player. Build Overview and Focus Last Updated March 2025 The goal for this ship was to create a mixture of energy weapons and exotics capable of 500K+ DPS using cannons as the primary weapon damage. No fluff, nothing special, no tricks, just exotic damage. These can be adapted to almost any ship or character that fits in these categories. That's the only Science ship with a TOS skin though. At least for me. Mostly for its ship trait, Emergency Weapon Cycle, the most powerful ship trait for DEW builds from the C-store. 11 votes, 33 comments. 3/3 weapons, Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting, the wiki doesn't say anything about a secondary deflector, but a video from last year proves that it also has one of those. I got a fleet Aquarius destroyer, classic galaxy dreadnought, tholian recluse carrier, Cardassian Galor cruiser, romulan d’deridex, fleet research science vessel w/ sphere seperation, plus I’m working on a Lukari Big ships are fun and daunting, while Raptors that can turn on a dime and fast are also great for hit & runs. . a Jellyfish would be my next choice. As for ships, the Somerville is a popular choice, and the Iktomi from the Lobi store has an amazing trait for space magic builds, but the Intrepid retrofit that's available for free when you hit Level 61 will handle the endgame perfectly There is no best ship per say. They're all full Temporal-spec ships, for an extra set of powers that scale with EPG. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. There isn't really a, "this replaces that," situation, as they really are different ships. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. My Main is a Tactical focused on Beam Builds. With that said, you want something with a secondary deflector to maximize your science abilities. Specifically, I tested my own budget sci build against the Baby Step part 2 build, and despite the beam build using rep traits, rep gear, twice as much dilithium, 30 specialization points instead of 5, and over 50 times as much ec, although a little over half In a well developed build, it's an excellent ship, generally considered the best of the C-store science ships and only a few down from the best in the game, with a good bit of science seating, plenty of science consoles, and full access to Temporal mechanics and abilities. If you wait until the next sale (probably Black Friday next month) - you should be able to get the bundle on sale for not much more than a single Gorn Multi-Mission Science Vessels: pick your favorite flavor, though sci and tac are significantly more popular than eng. From what I've heard, however, the Eternal is the best science ship at the moment. Only the anniversary token works for any regular T6 ship from the zen store; also for new ships. in 50% legandary vesta is 6000 a have one more skill and console (only in a descuent) The best an unique console per skill We see many questions about traits, duty officers (doffs), kits, and hangar pets. The Temporal bundle is by far, way better than your other two possibilities. The Vulcan experiential science ship a. All that said, here are the current best Fleet store ships by build role: Beams DPS boat = Fleet Shepard/Qugh. Pilot ship: I'd recommend the Ajax engineering escort or, the Andorian pilot ship that comes with the Improved gravity well trait. For a Zen store full spec. Science Vessels are medium-sized, versatile ships. More information on some of the Science Consoles in STO. I picked up the Ahwahnee, Atlantis, and Lo'lah and was pretty happy with all 3, and the only reason I didn't snag the Heritage bundle yet is due to the 15th bundle being This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. However, the Somerville has one of the best Traits for Sci ships. This starship can be used from any level upon completion of the tutorial experience. For the NPC ships, see Federation Science Vessel (Mob). I also have Experimental Upgrades to get them to T6-X. it is sort of the bar we judge science vessels by, you must be this tall to tango, and any ship ive listed above is above I started a new science toon. g. the 12th Science Ship: mostly 3/3 arrangement, come with a Secondary Deflector equipment slot, and almost always have a large number of Science console slots. For energy weapons builds, end-game meta combination for D/E/C/S is Elite Fleet Colony Intervention Deflector (for crits), Competitive Reputation Prevailing Engines (for mini Evasive Maneuvers), Discovery Reputation Warp Core and Shields (for shield penetration and 2pc set bonus that gives massive hull regen passive). These temporal starships come in a variety of types with diverse Bridge Officer seating arrangements. Eternal is (in my opinion), one of the best for full Sci seating and such, at least if you can't get the Verne. Each of our authors has contributed their best builds in their own unique style! Our builds are established, tested, and proven to be Elite-capable across a variety of build As with most meta-defined science ships, this one is entirely about exotic damage. This relatively rare niche of combining energy weapons and science powers is sometimes called "DEWSci. You also want as many SCI console slots as possible (ideally 5). Though my favourite Romulan ship is the Mogai, the one I keep coming back to is the Jhu'ael Tactical Carrier Warbird (Fleet Ar'kif). egfcygfmspsurxrqbtyyyrmxbqbbwhmnxavqbozbopfnvvbrqynokpbvxgmofgrxzeqikwqqf