Ceran xm 220. 1 Identificatore del prodotto 1.

Ceran xm 220 1272/2008*** Total Ceran XM 220, een calciumsulfonaatcomplexvet dat speciaal is ontworpen om te voldoen aan de eisen van zware industriële omgevingen. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of continuous castings and rolling mills in CERAN XM 220 ist besonders geeignet für die Schmierung von Stranggießanlagen und Walzwerken in Stahlwerken, zur Lagerschmierung im Nass- und Trockenbereich von Papiermaschinen, sowie zur Schmierung von schweren Baumaschinen z. r. CERAN XM 220 TOTAL TotalEnergies Marketing UK Limited 10 Upper Bank Street (19th floor) Canary Wharf, London E14 5BF UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 (0)20 7339 8000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7339 8033 TotalEnergies Lubrifiants 562 Avenue du Parc de L'ile 92029 Nanterre Cedex FRANCE Tél: +33 (0)1 41 35 40 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 41 35 84 71 rm. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of continuous castings and rolling mills in CERAN XM 220 - Free download as PDF File (. It is suitable for use in centralized greasing systems. im Tagebau. com CERAN XM 220 convient pour la lubrification de tous types d’organes soumis à des charges élevées, des chocs et en contact fréquent avec de l’eau. Excelentes características antioxidantes e anticorrosão, devido ao bom comportamento The NEW GENERATION of calcium sulfonate complex soap allows to keep outstanding CERAN XM 220 performances even in case of high speed applications where normally polyurea or lithium complex greases are requested. est disponible sur www. CERAN XM 220 Marine grease for use on all kinds of components subject to high loads, shocks in conditions of frequent contact with water. CERAN XM 220 Waterresistent calciumsulfonaatcomplex vet Multifunctioneel, extreme druk, waterbestendig vet. CERAN XM 220 Moly is recommended for the lubrification of slow moving bearings and loaded rolling element bearings subject to shock loads and high temperatures. CERAN XM 220 es adecuada para la lubricación de todos los componentes sujetos a altas cargas, vibraciones y /o choques, que trabajen en condiciones de contacto frecuente con agua (incluso agua marina debido a la mejora de sus propiedades anticorrosivas). ceran ad plus; ceran ad plus; ceran xm 220; multis ms 2; no equivalent; biohydran tmp 32; biohydran tmp 46; biohydran tmp 68; biohydran tmp 100; no equivalent; bioneptan 100; bioneptan 150; bioneptan 220; carter bio 68; carter bio 100; carter bio 150; carter bio 220; carter bio 320; no equivalent; biomultis ep 2; bio adhesive plus CERAN XM 220 VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIEBLAD Productnaam CERAN XM 220 Conform Verordening (EG) Nr. TOTAL ITALIA s. It provides outstanding corrosion protection, bearing life, and thermal resistance. CERAN XM 220 Ficha de características técnicas Grasa extrema presión resistente al agua basada en sulfonato complejo de calcio de “ NUEVA GENERACION” APLICACIONES Grasa multipropósito resistente al agua con altas prestaciones Aplicaciones cargadas choques , vibraciones Ambientes polucionados: agua, polvo, temperaturas elevadas CERAN XM 220 est&aacute TOTAL CERAN XM 220 Calciumsulfonaatcomplexvet (waterresistent) bestand tegen hoge druk en hoge temperaturen Toepassing TOTAL CERAN XM 220 TOTAL CERAN XM is een hoge druk vet ontwikkeld voor veel toepassingen in (staal-) industrie voor de smering van continue gietstukken en walserijen, lagers in natte en droge (vilt rollen) delen van papierfabrieken en alle industriële toepassingen onder zware talusia universal 100 talusia hr 70 talusia universal talusia ls 40 atlanta marine d 3005 aurelia ti 3030 aurelia ti 4030 aurelia ti 3040 aurelia ti 4040 o CERAN XM 220 is geschikt voor de smering van continugieten en walserijen in staalfabrieken, lagers in natte en droge (viltrolletjes) secties van papierfabrieken en alle industriële toepassingen onder zware omstandigheden (nat, beladen, hoge temperatuur, stof, ) o CERAN XM 220 is geschikt voor gebruik in gecentraliseerde vetsmeersystemen. msds-lubs@totalenergies. CERAN XM 220 (1/2) Este lubricante, empleado según nuestras recomendaciones y en las aplicaciones previstas, no presenta ningún riesgo particular. Performance of Total Ceran XM 220. Egnet for smøring av kontinuerlige støpe- og valseverk i stålverk, lagre i våte og tørre (filtvalser) deler av papirfabrikker. Nov 28, 2017 · CERAN XM 220 is a high temperature calcium sulfonate complex marine grease for use on all kinds of components subject to high loads and frequent contact with water. ). CERAN XM 220 ist ein Mehrzweck-Hochdruckfett zum Einsatz in der Lagerschmierung in allen Industrie-, Marine- und Offshorebereichen unter ungünstigen Bedingungen (hohe Lasten, Wasser, Seewasser, Hitze, Schmutz, Stöße etc. CERAN XM 220 1/2 Ce lubrifiant utilise selon nos recommendation et pour l’application pour laquelle il est prévu ne présente pas de risque particulier. CERAN XM 220 is made of the NEW GENERATION calcium sulfonate complex soap designed by TOTAL Lubrifiants. TOTALENERGIES CERAN XM 220 è un grasso al sapone di Sulfonato di Calcio Complesso di NUOVA GENERAZIONE", resistente all’acqua e alle estreme pressioni. Adecuada para la lubricación en colada continua y trenes de laminación de plantas siderúrgicas, rodamientos en secciones húmedas y secas de fábricas papeleras (rodillos), etc. : 02/288. 2. 1 Productidentificatie 1. Sabun baru ini memiliki sifat yang ditingkatkan dalam hal ketahanan air, kapasitas beban, ketahanan termal dan CERAN XM 220 Moly is a mineral oil , heavy duty, extreme pressure grease containing 5% of MoS 2. It is specifically designed for use in heavy-duty applications where components are subject to high loads, shocks, and frequent contact with water or sea water. ⚫ CERAN XM 220 es idónea para la lubricación rodamientos en coladas continuas y CERAN XM 220 presenta un rendimiento sobresaliente incluso con factores de velocidad altos, donde normalmente se requieren grasas de complejo de litio o de poliurea, conservando todos los beneficios en términos de protección contra la corrosión, vida útil de los rodamientos, altas cargas y resistencia térmica. Sản phẩm này tăng cường đặc tính chống nước, chịu tải, chịu nhiệt và chống ăn mòn trong khi vẫn giữ được khả năng bơm và bôi trơn tốt trong trường hợp tốc độ cao. Ce nouvel épaississant offre des propriétés améliorées en termes de résistance à l'eau, de tenue à la charge, de stabilité thermique et de protection anticorrosion, tout en conservant une excellente pompabilité et un pouvoir lubrifiant exceptionnel, même à des vitesses élevées. 1272/2008*** Den Volltext der in diesem Abschnitt aufgeführten Gefahrenhinweise finden sie unter Abschnitt 2. Ceran XM 220 is geschikt voor het smeren van allerlei componenten die onderhevig zijn aan hoge belastingen, schokken, werken in omstandigheden waarbij het vet veelvuldig in contact komt met water (zelfs zeewater dankzij verbeterde prestaties tegen roestvorming). Une fiche de données de sécutié conforme à la législation en vigueur dans la C. Nov 28, 2017 · CERAN XM 220 is an extreme-pressure water resistant high temperature calcium sulfonate complex marine grease. 1272/2008 2. It is suitable for lubricating bearings and other components in harsh conditions, such as high speed, water contact and sea water exposure. Комплексна грес. 【产品介绍】道达尔开发的新一代复合磺酸钙基润滑脂希润 xm 在高速条件下能够保证良好的润滑。新一代复合磺酸钙基润滑脂继续保持耐高温、抗水冲、高负载、防腐蚀、提高轴承使用寿命的同时,在高转速情况下,也能保证出色的润滑有无海水时,磺酸钙的天然特殊性能均使其具有优良的抗氧化 CERAN XM 220 está constituida por un jabón de sulfonato complejo de calcio de NUEVA GENERACIÓN diseñado especialmente por TOTAL LUBRICANTES. com. Extreme pressure water resistant high temperature calcium sulfonate complex grease. 3 Informazioni sul fornitore della scheda di dati di sicurezza Extreme druk waterbestendige hoge temperatuur calciumsulfonaat complex vet. CERAN XM 220 is a high performance grease for steel and mining applications, with excellent anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties. 09 2. Diese neue Seife hat verbesserte Eigenschaften in Bezug auf Wasserfestigkeit, Belastbarkeit, thermische Beständigkeit, Korrosionsbeständigkeit und gleichzeitig ein sehr hohes Maß an Pumpbarkeit und Fähigkeit, gut zu schmieren, bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten mobil shc aware st 220 bioneptan 220: biostat 220 enoc strata grease mwr 2 mobilarma 798 ceran ad plus gadus s2 a 320 2 texclad 2 gulfsea hyperbar super cs enoc verron em ceran xm 100 multifak rsp gulfsea hyperbar lc 3 navigrease lx 2/3 enoc armourex cs ceran xm 220 spheerol sx2 navigrease csx 2 enoc strata grease ep 0 mobilith ep 0 multis ep 0 道达尔开发的新一代复合磺酸钙基润滑脂希润 xm 在高速条件下能够保证良好的润滑。新一代复合磺酸钙基润滑脂继续保持耐高温、抗水冲、高负载、防腐蚀、提高轴承使用寿命的同时,在高转速情况下,也能保证出色的润滑 ceran xm 220. 1 Identificateur de produit 1. CERAN XM 220 presents outstanding performances even at high nDm where the NEW GENERATION keeps all benefits in terms of corrosion protection, bearings lifetime, high loads and thermal resistance. Une fiche de données de sécurité conforme à la législation en vigueur CERAN XM 220 TOTAL SWEDEN AB Box 50326 202 13 Malmö CERAN XM 220 12. Total Ceran XM 220 terbuat dari sabun kompleks kalsium sulfonat generasi baru yang dirancang oleh TOTAL Lubrifiants SA. This new soap has enhanced properties in terms of water resistance, load capacity, thermal resistance, anticorrosion properties while keeping a very high level of pumpability and ability to lubricate well in case of high speeds. A NOVA GERAÇÃO de sabão de sulfonato de cálcio complexo desenvolvido pela TOTAL LUBRIFICANTES, permite à CERAN XM 220 funcionar corretamente em rolamentos, mesmos sujeitos a altas velocidades. Ceran XM 220 is a grease which is made of the new generation calcium sulfonate complex soap designed by Total Lubrifiants. quick-fds. CERAN XM 220 SCHEDA DATI DI SICUREZZA Nome prodotto CERAN XM 220 Conforme al regolamento (CE) n. CERAN XM 220 is an extreme pressure, water resistant, high temperature calcium sulfonate complex grease. It has excellent anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion and high speed properties. CERAN XM 220 is a calcium sulfonate complex grease with high load capacity, thermal resistance and anticorrosion properties. ƯU ĐIỂM Mỡ bôi trơn TOTAL CERAN XM 220 TOTAL CERAN XM 220 Moly Extreme-druk calciumsulfonaat-complex vet dat 5% MoS2 bevat. 2010 Detta smörjmedel utgör inte någon särskild fara om det används i enlighet med våra rekommendationer och tillämpas så som det är avsett. Última actualización:13-08-2014 (18-02-2014) CERAN XM 220 CERAN XM 220 presents outstanding performances even at high nDm where the NEW GENERATION keeps all benefits in terms of corrosion protection, bearings lifetime, high loads and thermal resistance. CERAN XM 220 non contiene piombo, né alcun altro metallo pesante considerato nocivo per la salute umana o per l’ambiente. Puede usted obtener a través de su delegado comercial los datos de seguridad conformes a la legislación vigente en la C. Indeling Het product is niet geclassificeerd als gevaarlijk volgens de verordening (EG) Nr. Specification. CERAN XM 220 does not contain lead, or other heavy metals considered harmful to human health and the environment. et auprès de votre conseiller commercial. CERAN XM 220 Moly wordt aanbevolen voor de smering van langzaam bewegende lagers en geladen wentellagers die CERAN XM 220. (수분, 하중, 고온, 먼지, ) ceran xm은 중앙 집중식 급유 시스템에 사용하기에 적합합니다. CERAN XM 220 wykazuje wyróżniające się właściwości eksploatacyjne nawet przy wysokim współczynniku nDm, przy jednoczesnym zyskaniu wszystkich zalet NOWEJ GENERACJI takich jak: ochrona korozyjna, czas pracy łożysk, zdolność do przenoszenia wysokich obciążeń oraz termiczna odporność. CERAN XM 220 Moly est une graisse à base d’huiles minerales, aux propriétés extrème-pression, spécialement développée pour les applications minières travaillant dans des conditions tempérées. Ett säkerhetsdatablad i enlighet med kraven i nuvarande EG-lagstiftning finns tillgängligt från din lokala handlare. CERAN XM 220 Graisse CERAN XM 220 FICHE DE DONNÉES DE SÉCURITÉ Nom du produit CERAN XM 220 Conforme au règlement (CE) n° 1907/2006 (REACH): 1. CERAN XM 220 Graisse CERAN XM 220 avril 2014 TOTAL BELGIUM Rue du Commerce 93 B-1040 Bruxelles Tel. pdf), Text File (. 98. It is based on the NEW GENERATION of calcium sulfonate complex soap, which allows it to work well in bearings even at high speeds and loads. charges élevées, des chocs et en contact frequent avec de l’eau . It works well in bearings under high loads and speeds and maintains its properties even when exposed to water or sea water. Excellent anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties thanks to the excellent behaviour of the calcium sulfonates, also in the presence of sea water. Mar 11, 2025 · CERAN XM 220 has outstanding performances even in case of high speed applications where normally polyurea or lithium complex greases are requested. txt) or read online for free. CERAN XM 220 di conservare le sue proprietà eccezionali anche in caso di applicazioni a velocità elevate, dove sono normalmente raccomandati grassi alla poliurea o al lito complesso. Última actualización:13-08-2014 (18-02-2014) CERAN XM 220 ceran xm 220은 압연 공장 및 철강 공장에서, 연속 주조 베어링 및 제지 공 장의 습식 및 건식 공정과 모든 산업 분야의 가혹한 조건에서도 적절한 윤활성 능을 발휘합니다. CERAN XM 220 es idónea para la lubricación rodamientos en coladas continuas y ĐẶC ĐIỂM KỸ THUẬT Mỡ bôi trơn TOTAL CERAN XM 220. Extreme Pressure Resistance: Ceran XM 220 excels even under high nDm (speed and load) conditions, providing excellent corrosion protection, extended bearing lifetime, and superior thermal resistance. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for centralized lubrication systems and components CERAN XM 220 (1/2) Este lubricante, empleado según nuestras recomendaciones y en las aplicaciones previstas, no presenta ningún riesgo particular. 3 Renseignements concernant le fournisseur de la fiche de données de sécurité 1. Puede obtener una hoja de seguridad acorde a la normativa vigente argentina de su representante comercial local. 1. CERAN XM 220 has enhanced properties in terms of water resistance, load capacity, thermal resistance and anticorrosion properties while keeping a very high level of pumpability and ability to lubricate well in case of high speeds. CERAN XM 220 Moly is ontworpen voor mijnbouwtoepassingen in gematigde omgevingen. CERAN XM 220 está constituida por un jabón de sulfonato complejo de calcio de NUEVA GENERACIÓN diseñado especialmente por TOTAL LUBRICANTES. O CERAN XM 220 apresenta excelentes desempenhos, mesmo em nDm altas, onde a formulação NOVA GERAÇÃO mantém todos os benefícios em termos de proteção contra corrosão, vida útil dos rolamentos, altas cargas e resistência térmica. Water Resistance: Its extraordinary water resistance ensures reliable lubrication even in wet environments. ISO 6743-9 : L-XBFIB 1/2; DIN 51502 : KP1/2R -30 CERAN XM 220: Grasa multipropósito extrema presión, resistente al agua. La nueva estructura del espesante mejora las propiedades de resistencia al agua, capacidad de carga, resistenci a térmica y anticorrosión, manteniendo simultáneamente una excelente bombeabilidad, y Total Ceran XM 220 Moly is a water-resistant, heavy-duty, and extreme-pressure grease formulated with a mineral oil base and fortified with 5% of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). 3 Details betreffende de verstrekker van het veiligheidsinformatieblad Download the Ceran XM 220 technical data sheet (TDS) and the Ceran XM 220 safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. 2020/878: 1. CERAN XM 220 Moly is designed for mining applications in temperate environments. La nueva estructura del espesante mejora las propiedades de resistencia al agua, capacidad de carga, resistencia térmica y anticorrosión, manteniendo simultáneamente una excelente bombeabilidad, y Ceran XM 220 ist ein Mehrzweck-Hochdruckfett zum Einsatz in der Lagerschmierung in allen Industrie-, Marine- und Offshorebereichen unter ungünstigen Bedingungen (hohe Lasten, Wasser, Seewasser, Hitze, Schmutz, Stöße etc. 1 Identificatore del prodotto 1. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of continuous castings and rolling mills in ceran ad plus; ceran ad plus; ceran xm 220; multis ms 2; no equivalent; biohydran tmp 32; biohydran tmp 46; biohydran tmp 68; biohydran tmp 100; no equivalent; bioneptan 100; bioneptan 150; bioneptan 220; carter bio 68; carter bio 100; carter bio 150; carter bio 220; carter bio 320; no equivalent; biomultis ep 2; bio adhesive plus CERAN XM 220 VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIEBLAD Productnaam CERAN XM 220 Conform Verordening (EG) Nr. The Ceran XM 220 Moly is a high-performance grease based on mineral oils, enriched with 5% MoS2, offering extreme pressure properties. Geschikt voor de smering van continugietwerk en walserijen, lagers in natte en droge (viltrollen) secties van papierfabrieken. ceran xm 220 е подходяща за смазване на непрекъснати отливки и валцови мелници в стоманодобивни предприятия, лагери във влажни и сухи (филцови ролки) секции на хартиени Darüber hinaus wurde die Pumpbarkeit und die Fähigkeit zur Schmierung bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten erheblich verbessert. CERAN XM 220 REV. ISO 6743-9: L-XBFHB 1/2 DIN 51 502: KP1/2R-30 Tiêu chuẩn DCSEA 360 A liên quan đến khả năng chống nước biển của mỡ theo NATO G -460. 15 Ce lubrifiant utilisé selon nos recommandations et pour l’application pour laquelle il est prévu ne présente pas de risque particulier. SDS # : 080100 CERAN XM 220 Datum van herziening: 2018-05-22 Versie 1. Einstufung des Stoffs oder Gemischs VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. It is specially designed for mining applications operating in temperate conditions. MSDS CERAN XM 220 Info zu diesem Artikel . Universalt, vannbestandig fett for ekstreme temperaturer. CERAN XM 220 wird aus der neuen Generation Calciumsulfonat-Komplexseife von TOTAL Lubrifiants hergestellt. 13 Fax : 02/288. ⚫ CERAN XM 220 es idónea para la lubricación rodamientos en coladas continuas y Total Ceran XM 220 adalah pelumas laut untuk digunakan pada semua jenis komponen yang mengalami beban tinggi, guncangan, dalam kondisi sering kontak dengan air. Port Availability: SDB-Nr: 080100 CERAN XM 220 Überarbeitet am: 2019-07-30 Version 6 2. CERAN XM 220 Moly is suitable for the lubrication of all kinds of components subject to high loads, Description. 2 Utilisations identifiées pertinentes de la substance ou du mélange et utilisations déconseillées CERAN XM 220 Moly is a mineral oil, heavy duty, extreme pressure grease containing 5% of MoS2. Please login to access datasheets Sep 2, 2021 · CERAN XM 220是适合于装载滑动,球-和滚子轴承的润滑(轮毂轴承)的球迷和造纸行业。CERAN XM220是作为预特别适合在越野应用,如针buschings,表冠和EP润滑脂多用途履带轮子上的挖掘机。 CERAN XM 220适于在集中润滑系统中使用。 CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of all kinds of components subject to high loads, shocks, working in conditions where the grease is in frequent contact with water (even sea water due to enhanced antirust performances). Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. E. 07/2016 Este lubricante usado de acuerdo con nuestras recomendaciones y para los usos para los cuales fue desarrollado, no presenta ningún riesgo particular. It is suitable in centralized greasing systems for the lubrication of all kinds of components where the grease is in frequent contact with water or sea water due to enhanced antirust performances. Total Ceran XM 220 is an extreme-pressure, water-resistant, high-temperature calcium sulfonate complex marine grease. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of all kinds of components subject to high loads, La NUEVA GENERACIÓN de jabón de sulfonato de calcio complejo desarrollado por TOTAL LUBRICANTES, permite a CERAN XM 220 funcionar correctamente en rodamientos, incluso si están sometidos a altas revoluciones. CERAN XM 220 Grasa CERAN XM 220 ist ein Mehrzweck-Hochdruckfett zum Einsatz in der Lagerschmierung in allen Industrie-, Marine- und Offshorebereichen unter ungünstigen Bedingungen (hohe Lasten, Wasser, Seewasser, Hitze, Schmutz, Stöße etc. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of all kinds of components subject to high loads, shocks, working in conditions where the grease is in frequent contact with water (even sea water due to enhanced antirust performances). Toepassingen van Total Ceran XM 220 Total Ceran XM is ontwikkeld voor veelzijdig gebruik in diverse industrieën, waaronder de staalindustrie, papierfabrieken en andere industriële toepassingen onder zware CERAN XM 220 Moly is designed for mining applications in temperate environments. TOTAL CERAN XM 220 là loại mỡ phức calcium sunlfonate được sản xuất bởi Total. l. 1907/2006 (REACH), Allegato II, e successivi adeguamenti introdotti dal regolamento della commissione (UE) n. Les plus produit : - Propriétés anti-corrosion - CERAN XM 220 Moly es adecuado para la lubricación de todo tipo de componentes sometidos a altas cargas que trabajen en condiciones donde el lubricante se encuentre en contacto permanente con agua (Incluso agua marina, gracias a las mejoras en el rendimiento de sus propiedades antioxidantes). E' raccomandato per la lubrificazione di tutti gli organi meccanici sottoposti a carichi elevati, urti e in frequente contatto con l’acqua. 1272/2008 Voor de volledige tekst van H-zinnen zoals vermeld in deze rubriek, zie Rubriek 2. B. Toepassing TOTAL CERAN XM 220 Moly CERAN XM 220 Moly is een minerale olie, heavy duty, extreme druk vet met 5% MoS2. *** Einstufung*** Das Produkt ist als gefährlich eingestuft gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. La Ceran XM 220 représente la nouvelle génération de graisses à savon sulfonate de calcium complexe. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II, zoals gewijzigd bij Verordening (EU) 2020/878 van de Commissie: 1. CERAN XM 220 convient pour la lubrification de tous types d’organes soumis à des. . 36. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of continuous castings and rolling mills in steel plants, bearings in wet and dry (felt rolls) sections of paper mills and all industrial applications under severe conditions (wet, loaded, high temperature and dust). Indeling van de stof of het mengsel VERORDENING (EG) Nr. ceran xm 220은 압연 공장 및 철강 공장에서, 연속 주조 베어링 및 제지 공 장의 습식 및 건식 공정과 모든 산업 분야의 가혹한 조건에서도 적절한 윤활성 능을 발휘합니다. CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of continuous castings and rolling mills in steel CERAN XM 220 levert uitstekende prestaties, zelfs bij hoge nDm, waarbij de NIEUWE GENERATIE alle voordelen op het gebied van corrosie behoudt bescherming, levensduur van lagers, hoge belastingen en thermische weerstand. This new soap has enhanced properties in terms of water high level of pumpability and ability to lubricate well in case of high speeds. • La NUEVA GENERACIÓN de sulfonatos de calcio complejo, permite mantener las propiedades excepcionales de CERAN XM 220 también en el caso de altas revoluciones, donde usualmente se recomienda el uso de una poliurea o una grasa lítica compleja . Apta para aplicaciones industriales severas (cargas pesadas, polvo, agua, altas temperaturas CERAN XM 220 is suitable for the lubrication of all kinds of components subject to high loads, shocks, working in conditions where the grease is in frequent contact with water (even sea water due to enhanced antirust performances). CERAN XM 220 is suitable for use in centralized greasing systems. This advanced NGLI 2 grease is designed to excel in various environments by delivering exceptional lubrication performance, making it an ideal choice for demanding mining applications that require enhanced protection and ceran xm 220 Marine grease for use on all kinds of components subject to high loads, shocks in conditions of frequent contact with water Port Availability: premium core limited si Nov 28, 2017 · CERAN XM 220 is an extreme-pressure water resistant high temperature calcium sulfonate complex marine grease. La nueva generación de jabón de sulfonato de calcio complejo desarrollado por TOTAL LUBRICANTES, permite a la grasa CERAN XM 220 funcionar correctamente en rodamientos, incluso si están sometidos a altas revoluciones. ziid enzfa abovtn yfgqbs gfokdwa jzbkg xylaeob wpfmt xhbyu knls bviu gitv nkhcn immkfahw rlyso