Disco elysium stats too high Even though it's not INT, but PSY instead, it's still fun being an empathetic and emotional guy who can kick faces. 13 votes, 26 comments. The idea of a detective constantly talking to his tie is great. Clearly, the people love it - but what makes Disco Elysium so great? 4/4/2/2 is probably the safest high int/psy build. Failure is fun. His main stat is Psy with high points in empathy, volition, espiritu corpus and authority as those are the main skills he uses in the game. Because drugs (temporarily) raise your main Stat, they also raise your learning caps. Well I didn't think it through that much but most would be low. Is it worth dropping any more points in there? 7-8 seems like the soft spot. Sure! Disco Elysium is totally prepared to give a good experience to players like you, who just do whatever and assign stats totally on a whim. Yesterday I made a post about the total number of passive skill checks in the game. You can find it here. The initial level of a skill is equal to the level of the attributes it falls under. So, i´ve just finished Disco elysium for the first time with a 1-2-6-3 build, tagged shivers and went throught the whole game fully blind since i like min/maxxing and after reading the skills i thought physical had a good vision of what kind of cop i wanted to be (A brute with the ability to intimidate people) 28 votes, 28 comments. Don't play to win -- I don't even really think you can play to win. Skills you might want to avoid putting too many points into (because they’re too normal) would be Volition, Logic, Empathy, Suggestion, Perception and Composure. Kim also smokes too and isn't too much of a narc when you take drugs, probably because he knows that it's a necessary evil. It’s a bit of a party-pooper. Aug 9, 2023 · Disco Elysium feels just like like those classic point-and-click adventure games, with important items of interest scattered throughout each screen. " Do they mean don't exhaust all dialogue options that only let you get to pick one option before moving on or just don't choose every dialogue option that the game offers at the start of a conversation? The overall trajectory is straightforward, but there are so many things you can miss, some of which have specific stat requirements. Speaking of which, Shivers is the best skill tho tbh. if you really want to see everything, depends on the skill. High totals can produce rare narrative tidbits that other players may have never seen!! Those moments really make the playthrough feel like it's yours. (Fun fact: this started out as a bug, but we kept it because testers liked it. No. " Do they mean don't exhaust all dialogue options that only let you get to pick one option before moving on or just don't choose every dialogue option that the game offers at the start of a conversation? May 10, 2022 · How to activate the yellow orb near the Seagull in order to get this Achievement? I've searched on Youtube and it seems it relates to Hand/Eyes Coordination, but even with its high stat, I still can't activate the event. Yes, maybe the tie is unreliable. I would say choose your stats based on the kind of detective you want to be: if you’re a Sherlock, choose high intellect, funnel into Visual Calculus and maybe make your signature skill Perception; if you’re a Columbo, choose high physical stats like Shivers and maybe a signature skill like Suggestion. Nov 24, 2019 · In terms of skill checks, what would be the max value that I put into a skill? I currently have Inland Empire and Empathy (my critical skills) at seven. Encyclopedia trolls you with a boatload of information. true. Ph by Stanislav Reger. Of those who played around with these things, what worked best for you? I only played this game once (Loved it, ofcourse). Shooting on paper, development with handling, 18x24 cm. Just started wondering if there were certain story moments more likely to fail since it felt so unlikely to get so many failures in a row at such a high success rate. Could you please give me some wacky starting stats that give me a different experience? I initially played as a commie/apocalypse cop. Some of the 'advice' you'll get when you're at a high skill level will sometimes be counter-productive, resulting in penalties in skill checks or just misleading info. If you want to completely change your skill distribution go for it. I think I’d go with Intellect as my second highest stat, since you’ll be noticing things and probably want to know what they mean. Indulging in the madness is part of the game. It's a skill that is not just about fast reflexes - fast mental reactions give a lot of cool context to whatever is happening, too. Now, I know half the fun is in failing rolls and I have played 2 runs all the Way to the end as a true disaster cop. A bit like people figuring out in Planescape: Torment that basically you need the high int, wis, charisma build to get the most in depth playthrough. I can recommend playing a 5,5,1,1 braincop build, though. I know FYS is an important part to getting the body down from the tree and I do want to continue that destructive spiral the game starts out on anyway. Use these skills to help your detective survive the story. Edit: Oh shit you meant like skills and shit too. Yes, maybe having a high fight or flight turns you into a heaving ball of murderous anxiety. The biggest advice I see about this game is "don't exhaust all dialogue options it makes the game better. g. I did a cheat playthrough to get everything maxxed out and I gotta say most things that come out of it were actually hindrances to gameplay. The official Reddit community for Disco Elysium. Which to me is all the reasons you need. So, i´ve just finished Disco elysium for the first time with a 1-2-6-3 build, tagged shivers and went throught the whole game fully blind since i like min/maxxing and after reading the skills i thought physical had a good vision of what kind of cop i wanted to be (A brute with the ability to intimidate people) Kim has good logic and encyclopedia but they would not be his highest stats and he's not actually great at the other intelligence stats. Jun 18, 2022 · The consequences for too-high-stats may seem easily avoided by simply not sinking too many points in them, but Disco Elysium has an interesting way of making these investments difficult to avoid: skill checks. Yeah, I picked Thinker the first time around after making my own build, dying while trying to turn on the lights and deciding I would be safer with premade stats. How much is too much? It would seem that the dialogue-based passive checks take the skill number and add 6, e. Investing a lot into the physical Instrument stat allows you to have a lot of badass moments, and high psyche gives you some of the most interesting conversations in the game with people like Klassje or the "ex-something". It is a role-playing game, first and foremost, and o agree with others that you will have a great first experience if you just commit to the character you want Oct 18, 2019 · Hi all, I hate this part of these sorts of games - where I try to work out what stats will give me the sort of playthrough I'm interested in - i. Excusively care for the insanity of Inland Empire in that category. Add clothing and/or use drugs and the points can easily exceed 9-12. As is playing a 1,1,5,5 brawlercop. It may be usefull at mid level for you to have context of the universe of the game, while at high levels it can distract you from every conversation all the time as it happened to you. Disco Elysium is not dead. I do this on my second playthrough before the final cut released to see all the contents. Despite its status as an independent game, Disco Elysium did not fly under the radar at all. I'm curious about the exact same thing. 78 votes, 91 comments. I'm already thinking about my next playthrough, instead of spreading out my stats I'm thinking maybe I'll choose to go super high in 2 stats while low in 2 remaining stats to see if the the playthrough will change in a big way. Also thoughts in the thought cabinet and clothes help offset this for me. has slightly different stats: I want one too, looks really confortable and high-quality. don't have just one category of stats high, spread points across many. Having lower stats usually makes for interesting conversations and thoughts, going by vibe is the best. So yeah, sounds good but doesn’t actually make you a super cop. I was thinking he would have high empathy, good encyclopaedia, high reaction speed and great visual calculus, drama and perception but just struggling to put it all together. I never like min-maxing in narrative role-playing games so don't feel the narrative push or pull to be walking around with high stats 'just for the sake of it' in order to hurdle over invisible boundaries. So I finally got around to play Disco Elysium and I must say I loved it. Somebody in the comments asked what the highest check(s) for each skill actually was. It was a couple years ago, my first playthrough was on Steam, I'm pretty sure I went 4224, or possibly 5223. My advice would be: Just roll with wherever the game takes you - Minmaxing your character for maximum efficiency won't really work, because even with high stats, there is always a chance to fail. I recommend observing the "personality" and writing style of each skill as you go along, too. I guess they put their focus on other things and or found it too dificult to balance. But some players are not you! It’s also valid to try and be strategic about it, to have a long term goal of making Harry a better detective. There are also a good handful of skillchecks that end up better to fail than succeed at. Many of the choices I want to make when interacting with Disco Elysium’s world are governed by skill checks. With high Hand/Eye Coordination, players can DISCO ELYSIUM ART: Heelo guys, im a youtuber and im gonna have a video that contains skit to my favorite videogames (u guys already know what it is) lmao 😈 So before I release the video, i wanted to share all the art I made for the skit to u guys cuz I really love this community, stay safe What I mean is, I hear much of the fun of this game is the failures. Maybe Kim's EC could be the lowest of the average tier, though tbf to me, he only rarely uses EC, so it's almost like it's not there My recommendation would be a high PSY/FYS build (like 1/5/5/1 or 2/5/4/1) with focus on those skills. Certain thoughts Agreed. 28 votes, 28 comments. Just pick the skills that, uh, speak to you. I mean you can always save prior rolling the dice and reload the game when you failed. sometimes voices will lie to you. What confuses me is when people say they give bad advice when too high. take a look at this post. High authority bc of the eyebrow-raise thing High interfacing bc cars High hand-eye cordination bc shoots well Low perception a d savoir fare Physical stats are prbly mid to low High empathy too i think 0 inland empire (cringe) Intellect stats are prbly mid to high, maybe aside from visual calculus? Yeah thats all i have Remember that all the stats are connected to your mind, and having low red/yellow stats mean you are often a pushover with no pain tolerance who will have trouble establishing yourself. Drama’s probably a little high too, though its whispers can be fun. With that too, thoughts which increased the skill cap of certain skills felt a little worthless to my playthrough. Skills are a game mechanic in Disco Elysium, determining Harry's abilities and thoughts. After a couple of full runs and splashing around with other builds I still prefer the Sherlock Holmes persona since it clashes the hardest with your recent past and creates a hard dissonance where Harry can deduce everything but make I’d like to see more ideas with other stats. The themes, atmosphere, the subtext, aesthetics, everything they are trying to convey through their art, text and narrative. Seriously. Just for fun. The description sound verbose to me. On my second pt i went for emotional physical build and light motorics using my spare points for important checks and I think i got through most of the imp side quest skill checks for motorics and got to see most of that side and had a hilarious time on top of it with authority under emotion ( which is funny af and meshes well with physical). I went 3-4-1-4 with Shivers as my perk point but I couldn’t even recognise the cigarette outside the hotel room so gave up with this build. However, there is one thing that caught my attention the most ever since the beginning of my gameplay: the way your stats influence your inner thoughts. ) 4. Knowing nothing about the game I wanted to have a good mystery solving baseline so I was big on logic, conceptualization, visual calc etc. I’ll see if I can dig it up for you. best are probably volition, logic, savoir faire, physical instrument. Subsequent increases require spending skill points, and the total times they can be increased are affected by the base attributes that were chosen. Every skill from every attributes has a voice that is willing to speak up and tell you a story. A signature skill, selected at the start, receives a +1. the most useless are shivers, espirit de corps That was my thought too! I play a lot of Fire Emblem and those games do the same thing. Empathy, Volition and Espirte the Corps actively hindering how I wanted to roleplay. FYI, I did send Kim away (I've waited until Day 3 and 4, told Kim to send corpse back to the office) PleaseI only need help with this Achievement for 100% Completion ;) These photos were taken with an old wooden camera. Dec 3, 2019 · Disco Elysium is all about role-playing, so even though the build above will give you the best chance to pass the most checks, it’s not necessarily the best way to play. (As long as the stats don't soft lock my progress or make me too weak). Shivers/Inland Empire get you some funky portentous dialogue. I had an extremely high investment into Psyche only to realise that I do not care for 5/6 of these. Instead of wildly clicking around to see what you can interact with, hold the Tab key on your keyboard to highlight objects that you can manipulate or people you can talk to. To enjoy this game to Not everyone loves Citizen Kane. Disco Elysium's Final Cut features incredible voice acting to go with the amazing game. Higher skill is almost always better*. People with low EC would whine more. The way "too high" skills is implemented is by giving checks that are a combination of moderately to very difficult and that the negative outcome is from passing the check. Obviously which skills are best is a matter of opinion, so instead I'll answer something more objective: Which skills talk the most. I'm doing a high INT run with lots of encyclopedia and conceptualization but mainly because they will help me get xp to fill out the rest of the INT tree, then I plan on getting high savoir faire and some other motorics. One of the first trophies I got was the one where you had to say a bunch of esoteric sounding shit lmaooo For what copotype I have to say a mixture of sorry cop and super star cop, a walking contradiction, ey? The official Reddit community for Disco Elysium. Everything else is base or low. More like a delusional schizophrenic cop. Turns out my luck is just bad. The most boring playthrough I've had are with maxed out stat Honestly, I'm not sold on the communist thought - it takes a looooooong time (25 communist options) to even pay for the skill point you use getting it, and you're carrying penalties to two good skills the whole time you have it. I tried to balance and micromanage a bit too much, and, by the end of the first day, while I loved the setting and game overall, my character just felt "off". If I am a bit below 50 after clothing I will Feb 14, 2020 · Your skills, if too high, will start to give you useless extra information and sometimes suggest really extreme courses of action that can lead to negative outcomes. ) and the retroclones. This is a subreddit for news and discussion of Old School Renaissance topics. Having too high stats just make it a game of selecting the "best" options. What would be your highest skill check in real life, and why? And also, did you create Harry as matching that… Ye I know that there is an option to enlarge the text and I have it in the largest setting and although the main in-game text like dialogues etc is kinda ok, the inventory text for items is too damn small. I’ve seen bad advice from skills high and low so the level seemed irrelevant in that sense. At low levels, however, you’ll have little Morale. So even if you wanted to see everything in the same run, it wouldn't be fun. 116K subscribers in the DiscoElysium community. So there are ways to cheat and get Max stats in this game. It's stated near the end of the skill descriptions I think, for example with Volition it warns you about having it too high, but also having it too low: At high levels, Volition makes you hyper-sane. Of course it is. Studio "Retrograde" from Khabarovsk city. Like when you’re a sensitive cop, it says you’ll most likely lose your mind. I wanna do a second playthrough as a POS too, but Disco Elysium is like, a 40 hour game, so I need to know if it's worth it to start over from the beginning again lol Okay here we go. Finally, I'd encourage you to just go with it. In which case there are better and worse ways to do that! I think the game makes it a point that once you have too high stats in some skills it actually ends up making you lose touch with reality and being detrimental to you again. if my Logic is 6, I can pass a…. (Final Stats and Thoughts) The biggest advice I see about this game is "don't exhaust all dialogue options it makes the game better. In a tabletop environment, a GM would probably be able to use this idea of high skills being a mixed blessing in an organic tailored way. Yeah the skills aren’t always reliable for sure. some stats are far more usefull than others. First of all: I have played Disco Elysium a LOT during the last few months – thank you, ongoing depression – and through this whole process, I managed to become quite knowledgeable about how to min-max the game. Every character’s interactions will be different depending on your stats. There aren’t too many Motorics rolls iirc, but all of them are pretty interesting. getting the most 'meat' out of the game. Your first instinct is to be a detective with the best mind you possibly can. Yes, maybe having high volition will make you a boring twat with an iron will. A game for everyone isn't a game for anyone. Plus having both Inland Empire and Shivers pretty high really made it seem like Harry was a bit crazy. Like maybe you become hotheaded when you’re a physical cop. When you’re about to get funky, it keeps you normal. When the effect wears off, you get to keep the point you put into your Skill. Depends on the skill. I kinda like the "Sensible" archetype for that reason, played as him the first time. That might be interesting to see in other stats too. May 15, 2021 · Wow. Encyclopedia is a hit or miss. There are effectively 3 checks: hidden, white, and red ones. I started playing Disco Elysium a while back and found my first character didn't quite "click" with me. Not everyone loves War and Piece, or Van Gogh. with the motorics stuff for what I hoped would be quietly breaking into places and that sort of thing. For my 3rd run however of Disco Elysium I decided I want to experience extremely high stats from the very start, but I was thinking: Do I (A) pick and choose to deliberatly put half the skills on 20 and the others on 1-2 points? or (B) just put em all extremely high. Being the curious guy that I am, I wanted to know all minute details about every single branch of dialogue available. Sure it guides you down a path but there are literally options that you won’t get without the right stats and there are tons of things you won’t discover on a single play through. I haven’t yet finished my high motorics playthrough, but high stats for reaction speed can pass a passive check that gives the option of making finger pistols at everyone. I’m trying to understand how this game works and all I’m finding online is slight variation of the game’s definition for its skill description. I struggle to read item details/stats etc. interfacing and pain threshold has no passive checks above 8 (14) while conceptualization and perception has a 14 (20) difficulty passive check. Jan 26, 2020 · I played about 3-4 hrs into the game and I ended up very unhappy with my stat choices. half the reason I’ve stayed away from Physical is because I don’t know if it will make sense story wise since your character looks fairly out of shape Yes yes, I'm a filthy cheater who isn't playing the game as intended (in my defense, I have a lot of guides to update, so having all skills maxed out is useful). Here's an old thread datamining the total number of passive checks in the game (note that this is from before the Jamais Vu update, and is a little out of date by now). They leave me scratching my head. The skills are incredibly annoying if they get too many points in them - I saw a cheated run with max skills and it was practically unplayable because high level skills do not shut up and you would get a novel's worth of information for every thing you encounter. The INT one sounds very fun too. But there are so many different ways to play. Honestly, having some stats too high can really mislead/hurt you at certain points in the game. I found it fun but it doesn't hold the candle to high INT/PSY, without Encyclopedia you miss a literal fuckton of details about Disco Elysium 's World. Disco Elysium is Fuck Around and Find Out Simulator Pick whatever sounds fun for you and roll with it. Never thought that you could cheat on this game. I know this game tries to have checks for all the skills Commie cop with high empathy and high Inland Empire. (Final Stats and Thoughts) Oct 11, 2022 · Disco Elysium is an indie RPG created by ZA/UM Studio. Oct 22, 2019 · In Disco Elysium, your initial Stats decide how many points you can put in the Skills under them. Hence the great mental stats. Bear in mind the game was based on the developers own homebrew tabletop system. I tried messing around with a high FYS setup and liked that, but Intelligence is a bit too overwhelming to process and Motorics seems pretty good when it comes to noticing things in the environment. There are even things that your stats can be too high for. It's fun. The super rare passive dialogues are quite useless and don't add a whole lot to the experience. It's perfectly acceptable not to love Disco Elysium without that taking away from the objective quality of the game. they let you pass medium and challenging checks. e. We primarily focus on D&D (LBB, 1st ed. It's a fucking talking necktie. according to images, you will get most dialogue if you have 4-6 points in a skill. Some of his stats are specifically mentioned - like when talking to him, he paralyses you with a raise of his eyebrow - it's then said that "his Authority is through the roof, good thing he only uses it for good", then obviously low hand/eye coordination. But I don't think you're going to remedy that personal lack of excitement by simply changing your character stats. Some skills like physical ones tend to have bad advice for talking to people like the insecurities of Half-Light. One man's opinion, so take it with a grain of salt, but I found that having high Motorics was nice as a *complement* to the more intellectual and empathetic skill trees, specifically for Reaction Speed. Issue here being that putting a low Psyche would not I recommend observing the "personality" and writing style of each skill as you go along, too. There’s a post buried somewhere in here that breaks down what having very high skills can do. Probably high drama, high conceptualization, high empathy, high inland empire, high electrochemistry, and high half light. This choice sets both your starting skill levels AND your maximum. Nov 2, 2024 · 1. Furthermore, the writing is pretty dense and there are often callbacks to other scenes, foreshadowing, etc, so it's really fun to go back knowing the basic beats of the plot to pick up on the subtleties. RPGs like D&D teach us that if we have low intelligence and wisdom, we'll miss out on a lot of good content. However, high shivers is pretty great too - all the perceptive dialogue giving you a view of the world from up high. For my first playtrough I loved having high volition. I have a 75inch TV, I started it on PS5 last night and I sit approximately 4m (13ft) from the TV. My method, when not locked in conversation and forced to choose immediately, is to stop talking and check what stat boosts I can get from clothing. 2. 95 votes, 26 comments. Md Dima Petkos. Disco doesn't do that. You really need PSY to learn more about Harry's past and INT to get most of the characters peculiarities. But if you're having buyer's remorse about a couple points, don't sweat too much. Reply reply May 4, 2021 · I was fairly interested in the game, but now i'm not sure anymore, this game got a Metacritic Score of 96(!) which is way too high, every game with such an high score from game journalists ended up being overhyped mainstream trash with no edges, nothing special, thought-provoking or anything else. Oct 21, 2019 · I've heard Authority goes off when it gets too high. For example, a higher encyclopedia will give you concrete facts about the world around you which can help you fill in the blanks of an evidence trail, but if your encyclopedia skill gets too high compared to other skills, you will begin to fixate on trivia and minutiae that has nothing to do with anything at all and you will crowd out more Skills are a game mechanic in Disco Elysium, determining Harry's abilities and thoughts. AD&D, etc. Released in 2019, it has received four The Game awards and three BAFTAs, and Metacritic awarded it a 91% rating. Generally, 9 is enough to get most passives. A starting value of 2 means that you can get a skill to 4 -- a skill level of 4 is where a skill becomes "chatty" and starts talking to you a lot during dialog. Yeah, and you've got two whole categories of stats you're not good at to fail rolls for!. Identify the skills you enjoy hearing from and raise those as you move forward. You also get to connect with Kim a lot more too, which is nice. Guess who won’t be buying a lottery ticket lol 35 votes, 21 comments. ynhzd mau homitcl dxvc gzpet iaimqvaxo ybmnl sjv fwire cruxo vvkvgg ycwl bnga mwal xpylsw