
Guilford county clerk of court mailing address. Mailing and Physical Address .

Guilford county clerk of court mailing address , Snow Hill, NC 28580 Phone: 252-747-3620 Court records of cases heard in the District and Superior Courts are kept by the Clerk of Superior Court. Guildford County Court and Family Court - Find contact details, opening times, how to get to here, types of cases managed, disabled access to the building. Court System Type: Nearby Courts: District 18 Guilford County District Court High Point 505 East Green Drive 0. 505 E Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 (336) 822-6703 (HP) how can i reach guilford county cse? The Customer Service phone number for the Greensboro Agency is 336-641-6438. Office Address 325 East Russell Avenue High Point, NC 27260. Visit us. 0 mile away. Mailing Address: 301 W. Call 336-641-3160 for more information. CMR-303 Inactive Status Order. Find out more information about the Guilford County Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. the writ will be returned to the clerk of court. WE ARE OPEN: Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM District 18 Guilford County District Court in Greensboro, North Carolina. xi. Cost: $120. Then select your address to find your jurisdiction. GUILFORD COUNTY File No. Guilford County, NC Home Menu. Contact Numbers: Phone: (336) 641-6100 Fax: (336) 641-3802. pdf Guilford County, NC Home Menu. S. The Clerk’s office is located at the Guilford County Courthouse, 201 S. Wills & Estates. 201 South Eugene Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. Buncombe County Courthouse 60 Court Plaza Asheville, NC 28801-3519 Courier Box Number: 12-79-02. , Guilford County). NCAOC provides centralized administration and budgeting services for the state’s courts. 00 cash, money order, or certified check. To obtain additional information about divorce proceedings, visit the Clerk of Superior Court. District 18 Guilford County District Court. Telephone: All case-related calls should be directed to the Clerk's Office at 336-332-6000. O. Forsyth County Courthouse . Other documents as required. Guilford County Register of Deeds. Box 2257, Fort Myers, FL 33902-2257. Vital Records – 1st Floor Real Estate & Recording – 2nd Floor Guilford County Facilities and Property Management. There may be a filing fee, which can sometimes be waived if you demonstrate financial hardship. Scammers are mimicking genuine HMCTS phone numbers and email The Guilford County Security Department would like to let you know a few hints to make your visit to the courthouses easier. in partnership It is the mission of the Durham County Clerk of Superior Court to provide ethical and efficient administrative and case management support to the Courts and to serve the public through professionally-trained, diverse, and customer-focused This site is sponsored, maintained, and created by the Association of Guilford County Family and Domestic Lawyers, in partnership with the resident District Court Judges of Guilford County and the Clerk of Court's Office. Court Administrator III Taylor Chavis-Banks. North Carolina Office of the State Auditor 20601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699. Inspector General Hotline Search. Box 3008, Greensboro, NC, 27402 Guilford County. Greensboro Courthouse Room: 103LE 201 S Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401 Court Services - Greensboro Guilford County Courthouse 201 S. org. The fees, along with the completed application form, should be mailed to the following address: Register of Deeds Vital Records Section P. Skip to main content. Email Jeanette McBride is the Richland County Clerk of Court. North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts. Guilford County Parks Master Plan; Athletic Fields & Courts; Before visiting a Guilford County facility, make sure you know if parking is available onsite Alternatively, you can submit your request by mail, along with your original summons and supporting documentation, to the following address: Guilford County Courthouse - Greensboro Chief District Court Judge PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402. District Attorney Court Services; Clerk to the Board. Anyone can view these court documents using the public access terminals located in the Clerk’s office. 505 East Green Dr High Point, NC 27262 Phone: (336) 822-6700 Mailing Address: PO Box 2434 For Public Records Requests (PRR): Starting June 1, 2021, members of the media and public can submit a public records request online to Guilford County Government using NextRequest instead of filing requests in person or by email. com. , closed for state holidays. Phone: (803) 576-1947 Fax: (803) 576-1785 Forms. Phone: (336)641 The Guilford County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. Emergencies: 911 Non-Emergencies: (336) 373-2222 Phone: (336) 641-3694 Fax: (336) 641-6729 Guildford County Court II Address 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, North Carolina, 27401 Phone 336-412-7900 Fax 336-412-7901. Judicial Branch) is presently in the process of transitioning to a new computer system, known as eCourts, which is launching in phased tracks. Voice: 919-807-7500 Toll-Free Tipline: 800-730-8477 Fax: 919-807-7647 Detailed Memo Regarding Court Closures (Amended May 14, 2020) General Rules of Court and Case Management Plan for the Superior Court, 18th Judicial District; Mediated Settlement Conference Rules; Pretrial Release Policies in the Eighteen Judicial District Guilford County (Effective 1/16/2020) District Court. 4 miles away. View the Traffic Violations Help Topic and Criminal Cases Help Topic for more information about handling your case/citation/ticket online, including the process and options for payment, Guilford County accepts cash, checks or money orders made payable to “Register of Deeds”. (ex. General Information About Getting Married. Fed Ex, etc: Clerk of Court 700 S Park Avenue, Bldg B Titusville, FL 32780-4015. Guilford County Clerk Address PO Box 3427 Greensboro, North Carolina, 27402 Phone 336-641-5532. Court Services Guilford County Courthouse 201 S. The county known for its significant role during the American Revolutionary War, especially in the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in Greensboro Office 201 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 641-7556. Thigpen Look-up emails and telephone numbers, mailing addresses, help desk support for web applications, instructions on how to report incidents and more. High Point Office CMR-250 Notice of Address Change. Maps and directions so be certain to confirm any state specific information with a local authoritative source such as the court clerk’s Address: Telephone Number: Are you the: [ ] Plaintiff [ ] Defendant [ ] Unnamed Defendant LIST BELOW THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THOSE SERVED: NAME: ATTORNEY FOR: ADDRESS: NAME: ATTORNEY FOR: ADDRESS: GUILFORD COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Author: debbieb Last modified by: Leazer, Amanda J. Criminal Division 828-259-3402; Mailing Address Guilford County Courthouse P. ADMIN ORDER 20R806 COVID-19 CLOSURES. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Guilford County info. Lisa Johnson-Tonkins (336) 412-7300. Clerk of Superior Court Lisa Johnson-Tonkins. CMR-260 Order Submission. Fire Division; Emergency Medical Services; Emergency Management; If your inmate is in the High Point Detention Center, address mail as follows: Guilford County Jail – High Point Inmate Name, Inmate ID Number, Facility ID 5084 Mailing Addresses. P. 505 E Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 (336) 822-6703 (HP) District 18 Guilford County District Court High Point. Phone: 239-533-5427. General Session Court Forms DISTRICT COURT DIVISION . Mailing and Physical Address Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Rowan county. b. I need to know the location of my property lines, can I use the property information on the GIS site to find them? Looking for Guilford County District Attorney criminal cases & court records? Quickly find DA phone number, directions & services (Greensboro, NC). IN ADDITION, BY SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION, I AUTHORIZE THE GUILFORD COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS TO RELEASE MENTAL The Guilford County Register of Deeds does not handle divorces. 400 W Washington Street Greensboro, NC 27401. Courts; DMVs; Marriage License Offices; Treasurer & Tax Collector Offices; All Greensboro Government Offices; Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Home Menu. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point Chief District Court Judge PO Box 2434 High Point, NC 27261 x. Created Date: 11/13/2018 7:26:00 PM Davidson County Courthouse - Mailing and Physical Address Davidson County Courthouse - Thomasville Branch - Mailing and Physical Address Clerk of Superior Court The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court is responsible for providing a qualified pool of jurors to ensure the right of all citizens to a trial by an impartial jury. f iling party or moving party) shall file this Order & Notice of Court Events with the Clerk of Superior Court and shall serve a copy thereof upon the Responding Party (i. The Jury mailing address is: The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court will extend its hours of operation to the public from 8:30am until 3:00pm beginning Monday, October 5, 2020. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point Physical Address Submit the completed petition and supporting documents to the Guilford County Clerk of Court. Popular Content. About Guildford County Court II. Website. Box 2434, High Point, NC, 27261 Guilford County Mail Policies; Jail COVID-19 Procedures; Reentry Program + Contact Us; About Us The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the service of all Writs for Possession of Real Property within Guilford County. Court Services; Clerk to the Board. Contact us. Additional Fax Numbers. Superior Court District 18. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Guilford County. GUILFORD COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE – PROSECUTION Clerk of Superior Court (252) 695-7100 Superior Court Judges (252) 695-7260 District Court Judges (252) 695-7270 District Attorney (252) 695-7100 Court-Ordered Arbitration (252) 695-7271 Custody Mediator (252) 695-7370 Official Court Reporters County Courthouses. Monday to Friday, 8:30 a. Democratic Party. Phone: (336) 412-7300. PO BOX 3138 Greensboro, NC 27402 Phone: (336) 641-3363 bchavis@guilfordcountync. Forsyth Clerk's Office hours open 8:30 a. Contact Office Address: Richland County Clerk of Court Richland County Judicial Center 1701 Main Street, Room 205 (29201) Post Office Box 2766 Columbia, South Carolina 29202 Office Hours: 8:30 a. Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402 (336) 412-7300. District 22b Davidson County District Court Thomasville 22 Randolph Street 4. Guilford County District Attorney Address 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, North Carolina, 27401 Phone 336 board of commissioners frequently asked questions Guilford County. Eugene Street, Room Lg Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Onslow county. Fire Division; Emergency Medical Services; Emergency Management; LEPC; County Parks. Main (704) 797-3001. 201 South Eugene Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Mailing Address: P. gov Hours. Box 3008, Greensboro, NC, 27402 Guilford County List of Guilford County Clerk Offices. Email: TouristTaxAudit@leeclerk. CLOSE. Jeff L. Citizens who fulfill their jury service obligation are continuing a tradition Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court. Chestnut Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Maps and directions. e. Greensboro, NC 27401. You may also deposit documents in the secure Clerk’s office drop boxes, available 24 hours a day, 7 Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Guilford County. The County’s new software platform will track public records requests across multiple County departments, standardize records processing, and The Clerk of Superior Court holds one of the most important offices in North Carolina local government and is vital to the local administration of justice; Mailing Address. CMR-300 Continuance Order. Clerk Address: 400 West Market St. Other Contacts. Toggle navigation. The office is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 8 Fetal death reports are received at the Guilford County Health Department. Please send the completed form (Para obtener la Solicitud de Copias en español presione aquí ) along with a copy of your picture ID to the address above. Learn more Guilford County, located in Central North Carolina and named after Francis North, the Earl of Guilford, was established in 1771. Guilford Clerk of Court: Guilford County Tax Department. , District 18 Guilford County Superior Court in Greensboro, North Carolina. Mailing and Physical Address Handling Your Case/Citation/Ticket Online. Guilford County Courthouse. Unlike clerks of court in other states, the Clerk of Superior Court in North Carolina has numerous judicial functions. Main Number (910) 872-7200. Guilford County Clerk of Court – High Point. Contact. Eugene Street, Room 360 PO Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: 336-641-2660 The North Carolina Court System (i. to 5:00 p. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Records Clerk to the Board (336) 641-4893 : Cooperative Extension Office County Commissioners (336) 641-3351 : Court Alternatives - Juvenile Detention (336) 641-2600 : Emergency Management (336) 641-2278 : Economic Development (336) 641-4409 Address: 301 N. North Carolina Judicial Branch Onslow County Courthouse. Certified copies of your marriage license are $10 each. District 22b Davidson County Superior Court Thomasville 22 Randolph Street 4. Emergency Notifications that might seem similar to child support, such as custody, visitation, or property settlements. Guilford County Courthouse – High Point. Mail: All case correspondence should be directed to the Clerk, U. Apply to Reporter, Court Clerk, Deputy Sheriff and more! The Detention Services Bureau is comprised of two Detention Facilities and Transportation. Confirm with the Clerk to determine if any other documents are required. Market Street P. eCourts Now Available in 27 Counties*. Probate Court. Guilford County Courthouse Information - High Point Location. There are two Guilford County courthouses in Guilford County: Guilford County Courthouse - Greensboro. Careers Fees & Costs Records Request Feedback Contact Us. Please follow the instructions below for excusals or deferrals. 201 South Eugene St. Looking for Davidson County Clerk of Court records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Lexington, NC). GCSO HEADQUARTERS. PHONE NUMBER: (336) 641-3383. Find info, training, and resources, and upcoming counties launching. - 5:00 p. CMR-301 Peremptory Setting Request & Order. Main (910) 478-3600. Register of Deeds 201 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 641-7556. The Detention Centers within the Sheriff’s Office are the Greensboro Detention Center and the High Point Detention Center which are operated under the direction of Contact Information. Self-addressed and stamped envelope. Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB) 505 E Green Drive High Point, Clerk of a Court - How to Address a Court Clerk, write name of, email, envelope, letter, invitation, greet, introduce, call in conversation I don’t have mailing or Email addresses for any of the officials and I don’t keep track of offices that Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Bladen county. To learn more about what assistance is available, you may contact these offices individually Passport Services 201 West Market Street 1st Floor - Room 108 Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 641-5322 . The Guilford County Courthouse is open to the public Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a. The objective of the Guilford County Recovery Courts is to enhance public safety, lessen economic impact on Guilford County, and reduce recidivism by addressing individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders to increase the likelihood of successful rehabilitation and stabilization utilizing a team-based approach comprised of GUILFORD COUNTY CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. CMR-302 Clean-Up Calendar Order. Market Street, Suite 400 Greensboro, NC 27401. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 3427, Greensboro NC 27402. c. The High Point Agency may be reached at 336-845-7770. Your request will be processed within three working days upon receipt. Explore North Carolina's counties for court services and information, such as courthouse locations, jury service, contacts, and more. Also check out the website for other helpful information – forms needed for your legal purposes, locating information about court dates, help on other legal Helpful information about the probate division of the Guilford County Courthouse located in Guilford County, NC. Lisa Johnson-Tonkins Mission Statement. gov. Home / Contact Us / Mailing Addresses. , and Looking for Guilford County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Greensboro, NC). Contact Phone: (336) 641-3836 Fax: (336) 641-7676 Email: guilfordelections@guilfordcountync. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Records Request Contact Us. Fletcher. Confirm with the Clerk to determine to whom it needs to be made out. inquirers may use the self-service terminals at the Guilford County Clerk of Court's office. If you need to change the address to which your bill is mailed, you may call the Land Records office at 336-641-4879 or fill out a Real Estate Mailing Address Change Form. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government We'll give you location information for the Clerk of Courts in Guilford County, NC such as phone number, address, hours, and more! Simply click on the state. Guilford St. Eugene Street, Room 360 PO Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: 336-641-2660 Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB). Administrative Mail. 4 miles away Greensboro Office Location. Fetal death reports are received at the Guilford County Health Department. Box 999 Titusville, FL 32781-0999. O. Chief District Court Judge Kimberly M. Monday – Friday Looking for Guilford County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Greensboro, NC). The Honorable Tonia Cutchin presides over the Superior Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, located at the Guilford County Courthouse in Greensboro. Identity Theft. Guilford County Courthouse, 201 S. If you are unable to find your jurisdiction, please contact us at: 336-641-2549. The Clerk of Superior Court is elected for four years and must be a resident of the county in which he or she is elected. Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27401. Guilford County made the transition to eCourts on April 29. Find local administrative orders and rules; Rowan County Courthouse. Andrew Street, Tarboro, NC 27886 Telephone 252-824-3200 Option #1 - Criminal Division Telephone 252-824-3200 Option #2 - Civil Division Telephone 252-212-3102 - Rocky Mount Satellite Office Contact Us Email Us Hours and Holidays Locations Phone Directory Main Mailing Address: Post Office Box 8099 Sanford, FL 32772-8099. Court System Type: Civil, Criminal : Domestic Relations Looking for public records, marriage licenses & election results in Guilford County, NC? Quickly access information about 2 Clerks near you! 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches List of Guilford County Clerk Offices. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. These processes include Magistrate Summons, Civil Summons, Domestic Violence Orders, Claim and Deliveries, Writs for Possession (real and personal property), Civil Orders for Arrest, Juvenile Summons, Tax Warrants, Attachments, Writs of Executions Guilford County, NC Home Menu. Where: Clerk of Superior Court (Special Proceedings) in county where you The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the service of all Civil Processes within Guilford County. Mailing and Physical Address One may contact the Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court at (336) 412-7300 for more information. Mailing Address: Greensboro Bar Association 24th Judicial District Bar PO Box 1825 Greensboro, NC 27402 ADDRESS: 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. Clerk Address: 400 West Market Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB). How can I reach the Guilford County Jury Clerk? Due to courthouse demands, potential jurors may not speak with the Jury Clerk prior to service. Stuart Albright. North Carolina Judicial Branch Bladen County Courthouse. eFiling is required for attorneys filing in eCourts At the High Point courthouse, the drop box is located on 505 East Green Drive, outside of the public entrance on the right. Search Court Cases; Mailing Address: P. Looking for public records, marriage licenses & election results in Guilford County, NC? Quickly access information about 2 Clerks near you! The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court’s Office is open to the public from 8:30 a. 175 N. 201 South Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 412-7300 Mailing Address: PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402. Public Records Request; Juvenile Detention; Emergency Services. Wills and Estates are dealt with by the Clerk of Court’s office. Vital Records: 1st Floor Real Estate & Recording: 2nd Floor. Senior Resident Superior Court Judge R. Child Support Correspondence. Drawer 9, Tarboro, NC 27886 Physical Address: 301 St. m. Davidson County Clerk of Court Address 110 West Center Street Lexington, North Carolina, 27292 Phone 336-242-6700 Guilford County, NC; Montgomery County, NC; Randolph County, NC; Rowan County, NC; Enter your street address and click the Search button. Greensboro Office The Guilford County Register of Deeds does not handle divorces. Find local administrative orders and rules; Overview. Greensboro With more than 100 employees in Greensboro and High Point, the clerk’s office is responsible for all clerical and record-keeping functions of the superior and district courts. date of the marriage and the address where copies should be mailed. On the next screen click on “Guilford County Courthouse” to find the address, and the telephone number. eCourts Services are now available. Private attorneys and county Clerks of Superior Court also offer certain support services. Eugene Street, Greensboro, Wills & Estates, UG level, 336-412-7300. The county has a population of over 540,000 residents and covers a landmass of approximately 1,704 square kilometers. , Greensboro, NC 27402. Jury Service Information. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, 324 The password must not be the same as your email address; (this may be different than your mailing address) Address Line 1: Address Line 2: City: REFUSAL OF MY APPLICATION FOR A CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT. Hours of Passport Acceptance (Walk-In Facility)8:30 am to 2:00 pm High Point Office. Go. 505 East Green Drive, High Point, NC 27262 Mailing Address: P. Supreme Court Learn about Guilford County courts, if Guilford County courts are public, how to go about a Guilford County court case lookup and how to find court records on a person in Guilford County. Find out more information about the Guilford County Courthouse. Physical Address: Old Courthouse 301 W. Masks are required to be worn in the courthouse and in the Clerk of Court’s office. _____ (i. Ben Chavis - Director 400 West MArket St. Home; What is a Clerk of Court? Greensboro Clerk of Court Guilford County Tax Department. posing party or op non-moving party) within thirty (30) days of foregoing Order & Notice of Court 8 Court jobs available in Guilford County, NC on Indeed. ADDRESS: 201 South Greene Street, Greensboro, NC 27402 PHONE NUMBER: (336) 641-3324 Adjunct Professor at Guilford Technical Community College · Experienced NC Clerk of Superior Court for Guilford County with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration Edgecombe County Clerk of Court Mailing Address: P. Box 219 This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. Notice: Effective 2/3/14, call the Clerk of Court Office prior to your court date at one of the numbers below: Greensboro Civil/Child Support (336) 412-7300 Greensboro Criminal/Traffic (336) 412-7300 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. Guilford County Clerk PO Box 3427, Greensboro, NC. sls xbxaliwo dauei rmw ahrx xhc rdf vkpey lwte jxzty aasz rxxscl ftee ievh hklyzyeh