Isoprep army jko fct@navy. 2. This stand alone training is sponsored by the Joint Staff in coordination with the Military Services. mil 3. r. nixon@navy. Learn how to complete your CCR package, including ISOPREP, for official international travel to a particular country. DOD-US1364-20 Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Awareness Challenge 2020 (1 hr) This annual 2020 Cyber Awareness Challenge refresh includes updates to case studies, new information on the Cyberspace Protection Condition (CPCON) (formerly INFOCON), a feature allowing the course tutorial to be skipped, a combining of the DoD and Intelligence Community (IC) lessons into one course versus two, and For APACS specific questions or account issues, email: usaf. Contact the JKO HELP DESK if you have difficulty creating an account. By using this ISInformation System (which includes any device attached to this ISInformation System), you consent to the following conditions: Learn how to complete the DoD Isolated Personnel Report (ISOPREP) for Eisenhower School/National Defense University. af. 1 Level A Code of Conduct Training Course (FOUO) - (8 hrs) The purpose of this course is to provide DoD personnel the fundamental knowledge necessary to uphold the spirit and intent of the Code of Conduct and address the challenges of isolation, captivity, and recovery. mil or call 703-676-9174 For FCG specific comments, questions on content or how to request changes, About JKO Joint Knowledge Online is the DoD advanced distributed learning capability for military, civilian, and staff online training. By using this IS Information System (which includes any device attached to this IS Information System ), you consent to the following conditions : J3TA-US022 SERE 100. Let your sponsor know to look out for the JKO email. USMEPCOMHQ-TARP-047 Threat Awareness and reporting System TARP JKO Course number: J3S N-US649 (SOUTHCOM Human Rights Awareness) Course resides on Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) and can be reached via the following site: https://jkodirect. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. Click on the “Course Catalog” tab. ECRC Operations Help Desk can also assist with ISOPREP questions: ecrc. ” supporting collective exercises as part of the Blended Learning Training System, tailoring JKO courseware, reporting proficiency metrics for exercise Academics, and delivering small group desktop exercises tailored to CCDR exercise objectives. Accessing PRO-File using another member’s certificate will save Learn about the DoD implementation of joint personnel recovery doctrine and the importance of integrating evasion and recovery into operational plans. ISOPREP is a mandatory memorandum that must be approved before travel can happen. mil. Completion of this training meets the annual requirement for Level I Antiterrorism Training prescribed by DoDI 2000. Other agencies use the course to satisfy their requirements as well. Develop, deliver, track, report, and support online distributed learning to enhance individual and staff proficiency in Joint operations and improve operational readiness of the Joint enterprise. Each user must use their own CAC PKI certificate. At the top of the page are two tabs: “ My Training ” and “ Course Catalog . edu This stand alone training is sponsored by the Joint Staff in coordination with the Military Services. JKO in the COVID Environment • JKO remained fully operational on secure military networks providing online access to courses and collaboration sites. edu, or dodea. JKO is the online learning platform of the Joint Staff J-7. The JKO distributed learning capability and training products, globally accessible to a diverse training audience of military, civilian and coalition partners, directly addresses joint training strategic guidance and high interest training requirements. Select the course with regards to your deployment country location from Use your DoD PKI certificate to gain access (do NOT use your email certificate). mil or http://jkolms. Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Mobile provides access to unclassified, releasable, joint training courses using your personal Apple and Android mobile phones and tablets. DoD Department of Defense Warning Banner You are accessing a U. Log into JKO: https://jkodirect. mil, . S. DoD military and government civilians who have been issued a CAC are able to self-register for a JKO account. To locate on JKO, go to https://jkodirect. jten. . Go to https://jkodirect. If unable to access SIPRNET and you have access to AKO, complete/submit the ISOPREP via the Army Knowledge On-Line (AKO) PRO-File tool located on the NIPRNET your request. Individuals that do not have a CAC, but have a government or military email account (i. • JKO support team remained fully operational developing training courses and facilitating use of JKO tools with online tutorials and support. e. mil ECRC POC is LNCS Christina Nixon 757-462-4744 ext 119, Christina. John Lipps, at john. To login to JKO you must have an active user account. mil and select “Login using my CAC” and complete an account profile. 16. mil/ with your DOD CAC or Username Password. , ending in . Direct access to JKO courses with a Common Access Card (CAC) or login and password is available by going directly to https://jkodirect. Joint, Interagency, Inter-government and Multinational (JIIM) Stakeholders use JKO for travel. It is the Joint Staff system of record for Joint Staff annual training requirements. You will be notified by JKO help desk of this action and they will provide your username and token. Once you have a JKO account, you may log in with either your CAC, VA PIV, or a User Name and Password. lipps. JS-US009 Joint Staff Operations Security (OPSEC) - (1 hr) This purpose of this course is to provide an overview of security policies and procedures in order to equip cleared personnel with a basic understanding of how to safeguard information and apply security principles in their daily operations. For information on SEJPME credit recognition at military universities and others, visit the SEJPME Community of Interest page on JKO. mil The training also reinforces best practices to keep the DoD and personal information and information systems secure, and stay abreast of changes in DoD cybersecurity policies. For more information contact the SEJPME Program Manager, Mr. This course is not a tactical level course, but an overview of the strategic- and operational- levels of war. gov, nps. The student desktop page is the first display when you login to JKO (once you’ve established an account). hq. complete each course. To find this course in JKO, click on Course Catalog, then enter J3S in PREFIX FIELD. DoD military and government civilians with a Common Access Card (CAC) can self-register for a JKO account. Find out what information to include, what to avoid, and how to contact the ES ISOPREP POC. smil. civ@mail. The Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Learning Management System (LMS) requires Users to have a JKO account in order to take advantage of the capabilities in the LMS. Create a JKO Account 1. To log in to JKO, go to https://jkodirect. • Once your request is validated, the JKO help desk will create your account within 24 hours. apacs@us. You are accessing a U. asoyh atyx nrpz fitk kbspo rduifmjh jglu qtq mgxfm mxiin woonyf jlht ipcwiws smmma nax