Lecturer to principal promotion list pdf. Appointment letter(s).
Lecturer to principal promotion list pdf docx Guidelines for Promotion to Senior Lecturer Promotion from lecturer to senior lecturer in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is directed TRANSFER LIST OF PRINCIPAL GRADE - II: Click here to download: 6: TRANSFER LIST OF PRINCIPAL GRADE - I: Click here to download: 7: TRANSFER LIST OF DEGREE COLLEGE PRINCIPAL: Click here to download: 8: POSTING AS PRINCIPAL GRADE - I: Click here to download: 9: PROMOTION AS JL CHEMISTRY ( MULTI ZONE II ) Click here to download: 10: PROMOTION AS Promotion order of Superintendent Grade-I. The Principal Lecturer should also demonstrate leadership in the roles assigned by the department chair. 2011 Ahmad Dar, M. He has six years of experience as an educator and believes his training and experience would allow him to be an effective educator and researcher Nov 25, 2024 · The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released the list of promoted teachers. P. 2023 promotion reviews are due in the Academic Human Resources Office in Seattle by February 1st. The lecturer’s appointment to the Law School faculty; ii. 2016 DSE order NO. XI AND XII SYLLABUS 2024; XI PROMOTION RESULT NID Administrative Guidelines and Criteria for Promotion to the Ranks of Senior and Principal Lecturer National Technical Institute for the Deaf Rochester Institute of Technology Approval by Faculty, We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing UNHLU (hereafter, CBA). Sept 15 – Jan The Promotion Committee reviews the candidate’s dossier and letters from faculty senior in rank and school director. Solan HP. The teacher has been working as an assistant teacher for four years and feels they have gained enough experience to be promoted to a subject teacher position. #hpjobs #hpgovt Promotion to the next higher rank in a tenure-track faculty classification is based on a faculty member’s academic and professional qualifications, and achievements in the categories of teaching, promoted to senior lecturer and a senior lecturer to be promoted to principal lecturer is lower than that for the promotion processes for assistant and associate professors. have a track record of 7th Pay Increment Chart PDF; Fixation Table 7th Pay Commission; RGHS DEDUCTION; (List to create Principal’s Seniority List working on 01-04-2020) promotion reviews are due in the Academic Human Resources Office in Seattle by February 1st. A Economics, Principal GGC, Pabbi Nowshera Promotion 20 Promotion 05. All revisions and approval dates must be listed in the Promotion and Tenure document. that the process for promotion to Principal Lecturer be initiated in the sixth year of continuous or cumulative employment at the rank of Senior Lecturer (CBA section 13. Appointment letter(s). 1. pdf), Text File (. In addition, there is no limit after which a lecturer faculty member can no longer be considered for promotion and no limit on the number of LECTURERS. 6. 03. 12 – Process for Promotion of Lecturer to Senior Lecturer . Dpc list 3rd to 2nd grade संभागवार >> DPC 2020-21 तृतीय श्रेणी अध्यापक पद से द्वितीय श्रेणी अध्यापक पद हेतु काउंसलिंग कैम्प की सूचना व वरियता सूची (विभिन्न For promotion to senior lecturer, the committee will include two tenured assistant professors, one associate professor, and three senior lecturers. पत्र में कहा गया है कि जो मास्टर 16 सितंबर 1986 से पहले नियुक्त हुए हैं उनके प्रिंसिपल पद पर पदो न्नति होनी है। ऐसे में बार-बार मांगने के May 29, 2023 · Registered Office. Now, the Department intends to draw the tentative First List-- https://t. This alone, however, is not sufficient for consideration for promotion to Principal Lecturer. promotion list of hp lecturer and headmaster to principal. Departments are This document is meant to provide guidance to an overall process for Lecturer promotion. Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh - Shimla-171001 Phone : +91-177-2656621(O) Fax: 2811247 PBX : +91-177-2653575, 2653386 Jun 20, 2020 · Seniority List-PG Principal. The CEPS Criteria for Promotion of Lecturer Faculty is appended to this document (Appendix A). Promotion from lecturer to assistant professor is approved by the Dean, on the advice of the Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee. Current contribution to the work of the School/University beyond that expected for the fully satisfactory On the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to order the promotion of Shri Arun Rana, Lecturer (Architecture Engineering) to the post of Sr. For promotion to principal lecturer, the committee will include three associate or full professors and three principal lecturers. Last modified date : 11-12-2023 Promotion list 2- On dated 06. 2018 Jun 17, 2022 · Promotion of Principal (RoH) from seniority 2801 to 3120. 60-400. One will include the complete promotion file Evaluation and Promotion Processes and Criteria for Lecturer Faculty I. 3 Lecturer Faculty are responsible for the assembly and submission of their own materials for consideration of promotion to Senior and Principal Lecturer. Promotion list of Supdt. 15600-39100+6600 G. The evaluation of a lecturer for promotion to Senior or Principal Lecturer shall be based on materials that date from the most recent of: i. Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh - Shimla-171001 Phone : +91-177-2656621(O) Fax: 2811247 PBX : +91-177-2653575, 2653386 Oct 14, 2022 · Principal promotion list from HM &Lecturer 2022. Dasa is currently completing his doctorate in education with a focus on social science education. 1 Required contents of the dossier: a. Principal Lecturers, by virtue of their sustained record of exemplary teaching, are expected to play a role in advising, guiding, directing, supporting or mentoring the instructional activities of others, including newly appointed This document sets out the policies, procedures, and evaluation criteria for promotion of Lecturer Faculty to the ranks of Senior and Principal Lecturer. Whereas, final seniority list of Senior Lecturers of School Education Department was issued vide Government Order No. promotion to the rank of Principal Lecturer. 6. Since the rank of Principal Lecturer is the highest rank, recommendations for promotion to this a. If an IUSB associate faculty member gains a lectureship position, for the purposes of promotion to senior lecturer every eight (8) courses he/she taught as an associate faculty member will count as one (1) year of full-time teaching experience. 2000. 20. 1 Timetable for Application and Criteria of Consideration Promotion to Senior Lecturer: After serving at the rank of lecturer or equivalent position,. The text of E. pdf linkhttps://t. For promotion to Principal Lecturer, the candidate must document consistent and continued excellence in teaching, PSA and, if assigned, SAS activities. Curriculum vitae. II. 4. distinctive teaching criteria. 9. 9,300-34,800 plus 4800 Grade Pay plus usual allowances as sanctioned by the Haryana Government from time to time on the terms and The Tenure and Promotion process has several deadlines, including the following: Deadline for tenure and promotion to associate professor; Deadline for promotion from Associate to Full Professor, Lecturer to Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer, Assistant Research Professor to Full Research Professor; Mid-tenure Comprehensive Academic Promotion Scheme 2022 . Appointment order of Assistant Professor Philosophy(College Cadre) 25. Appointment order of Assistant Professor Geology(College Cadre) 25. Guidance for applicants . seni~rity list of lecturers (School Cadre) as on 31 -12 2010 has already been circulated on 20-06-2003 &04. Recommendations for promotion to this rank must reflect this high distinction. Shop Lecturer(s) shall hold the charge of the post of Principal (School Cadre) as shown against their names in their own pay scale(s) and shall not be entitled for any remuneration for holding the above charge, with immediate effect in the public interest:- Present place of posting GSSS Balh(Una) Bhatechh (KGR) Kaned (KGR) Dhangota (HMR) May 23, 2022 · Registered Office. The Chancellor will communicate the outcome of the review process to the candidate. These policies and procedures are adopted in accordance with Article 13 of the 2017-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement (hereafter, CBA) of the USNH Board of Trustees, University of New Hampshire (UNH), and the University of New Hampshire Lecturers Subject:- Provisional seniority list of Lecturers (Mechanical Engineering) showing position as it stood on 31. The good news is that a total of 39 teachers have been promoted to Senior Lecturer I at T-Scale 12 (D2). For promotion to Principal Lecturer, an individual, after successful service as a Senior Lecturer shall: a. txt) or read online for free. Promotion to Senior and Principal Do whatever you want with a University-Procedures-for-Promotion-to-Senior-Lecturer- : fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Promotion order - Lab Attendant to Lab technician . Relevant Time Period. Required Elements of a Promotion Packet for Lecturer, Full-Time to Senior Lecturer or Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer: Curriculum Vitae. Lecturers do not have to apply for promotion. The promotion case must provide evidence of the faculty member’s sustained excellence in instruction by the faculty member’s department, college, university, and/or discipline. 2 OBJECTIVES OF PROCEDURE Principal lecturer, Senior lecturer, lecturer: Lecturers are fixed-term faculty members with responsibilities that may include teaching service responsibilities, supervising supplemental kinds of student learning, professional development, and/or administrative duties related to teaching. Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer may be considered after five (5) years in rank as a Senior Lecturer. INTRODUCTION. SIS-specific eligible criteria for promotion to Senior Lecturer are described here: Principal, SCERT Solan Distt. The teacher is requesting the principal to promote them to the next class and also review and increase their salary in view of inflation. Evaluation and Promotion Processes and Criteria for Lecturer Faculty I. A Lecturer Faculty member intending to be considered for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer or Principal Lecturer during an academic year shall notify the Department Chair no later than September 15. appointees is expected but not required; promotion of parttime and adjunct clinical - academic appointees is possible but not expected. Throughout my tenure as a Lecturer, I have continually strived for excellence in teaching, research, and service. Himexam October 14, 2022; 7:46 am; GK Notes PDF; HP Giriraj; 5000 + HP GK; Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ; The document is a request letter written by a school teacher to the principal requesting a promotion. Establishment of Evaluation and Promotion Processes and Criteria By the end of the fall semester, 2015, each college will develop its criteria and processes for granting promotion to the ranks of Senior Lecturer and Principal Lecturer, consistent with overarching University M. Key aspects of the new rules include setting the pay scale for regular and contract Lecturers, establishing the post as non-selection, and setting age limits and educational Academic Promotion to Ac3 Lecturer Procedure Page 1 . me/chemistrywithmrsatbir/484?single himachal pradesh higher education department. NSS; Adventure Club; CCA & SPORTS; Cultural Club; Standing Choir & Music; NCC (Air Wings) NCC; EK BHARAT; EVALUATION. 1964 07. promotion case lecturer to principal post. of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (hereafter, CBA) with the University of The following are eligible to vote on the promotion of Senior Lecturers to Principal Lecturers: Professors, Associate Professors, non-tenure track faculty with teaching responsibilities and promoted to the highest rank within the track, and Principal Lecturers. Jan 25, 2024 · 4. 30. The grade of Lecturer is the entry grade into an academic career. The title of Lecturer is described in Chapter 24 of the faculty code as “instructional” and is conferred on people with “special instructional roles. 15/18-2016-PGT-I1(3) the following 801 C&V Teachers/TGT are hereby promoted on officiating basis as Lecturer/ PGT in subject mentioned against their names with immediate effect in the pay scale of Band-II Rs. 6, there is no requirement that a lecturer be considered for promotion. 1 INTRODUCTION . If promotion is granted, it will be awarded at the start of the following academic year. Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh - Shimla-171001 Phone : +91-177-2656621(O) Fax: 2811247 PBX : +91-177-2653575, 2653386 PGT /Lecturer to Principal Post Promotion. Any case for promotion to Senior Lecturer must be based on quality in terms of achievement and outcomes. Entdecken this Promotion and Tenure document. Jan 12, 2016 · उप-प्राचार्य डीपीसी – Vice Principal DPC VP DPC Year 2022-23 SPECIAL CATEGORY POSTING ORDER 27-02-2025 उप प्राचार्य- छाया पद यथावत कार्यग्रहण 2022-23 Review DPC 28-12-2024 The document is a letter from Mark T. Appointment order of Home Science College Cadre. promotion is to be submitted to the faculty no later than six months prior to the end of the appointment. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and This document begins with the relevant portions of E6. 5 et seq. Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer The rank of Principal Lecturer is the highest possible lecturer rank. Starting from the hire date, the school will outline what is expected for promotion, assess the candidates’ progress in fulfilling those expectations, and, if necessary, develop an appropriate improvement plan before seeking promotion. The first year in which the lecturer received a two-year appointment as described above at Subsection III. Promotion to associate professor or full professor is recommended to the Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer Eligibility After four years of full-time teaching at RIT as a senior lecturer, an individual is eligible for promotion to principal lecturer. Dasa applying for an instructor or assistant professor position at Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College. 33 MB: 11/12/2023 - 16:00. Furthermore, lecturer faculty members have the right to apply for promotion at any time. 01. 0 in the RIT Policies and Procedures Manual. 8. 2. pdf: 1. Teacher & PTI Namankan/Yogyata & Sanshodhan/Abhivardhi/ Vice Principal; Other; GAD(General Administrative Department) PSP(Private School Portal Dec 29, 2024 · पदोन्नति के लिए विषयवार सूचि डाउनलोड करें : स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग में सहायक शिक्षक और शिक्षक एल बी का प्रमोशन प्रक्रिया चल रहा है। इस क्रम में रायपुर ,दुर्ग B. February 1 The Chair of the Promotion Committee uploads the letter of review to the A(Kha)15-1/2006 dated 09-10-2006 vide which the seniority list of Principal, School Cadre (Lecturer) was circulated, the revised tentative seniority list of this category (as per annexure-A) is being circulated taking into consideration various applications Promotion from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer . Submit electronically as part of the PDF packet to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs seeking tenure and promotion in rank, tenured faculty seeking promotion in rank to professor, and lecturers seeking promotion to senior or principal lecturer. 7. When letters are requested, an effort must be made to solicit at least one letter from a reference suggested by the candidate. The candidate for promotion to Principal Lecturer will also demonstrate leadership promotion to Principal Lecturer will normally be five-year appointments” (CBA section 11. Grade-I. Oct 29, 2011 · Registered Office. 2023. Arts Stream; Commerce Stream; Science Stream; Arts with Mathematics; Samagra Teachers; SEDP Teachers; PTA Teachers; List of Lecturers promoted to Principal; ACTIVITIES. Explore. Sep 12, 2024 · himachal pradesh higher education department. 12. A decision on promotion or rejection of the application is to be made before the end of the appointment. Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, 1. on regular basis from Promotion from Master to Lecturer (Review DPC May,2012) uploaded on 23-08-2013: 23-08-2013: DPI-SE: Promotion from Master to Lecturer (Review DPC May,2012) 22-08-2013: DPI-SE » Letter to DEOs for sending certificate for promotion from Master to Lecturer » Cases not found regarding Promotion from Master to Lecturer » Objection cases for Dec 11, 2023 - Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. A Urdu GCGC, Peshawar Peshawar Promotion 20 Promotion 26. The document is a notification from the Government of Himachal Pradesh announcing new Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Lecturer (School Cadre) in the state's Department of Higher Education. Principal Lecturers provide leadership across both their School and the wider University request_for_promotion_template - Free download as Word Doc (. 126-Edu of 2010 Dated 26-05-2020; and Whereas, after issuance of the said final seniority list, 1094 Senior Lecturers were promoted / regularized as Principal from the senior lecturer cadre Having served as a Lecturer in this dynamic academic environment for the past [X] years, I believe that I possess the qualifications, experience, and commitment necessary to excel in this role. EDN(TE)B(l3)5/2000 dated 7. docx), PDF File (. No paper. #hpjobs #hpgovt source Before consideration of a promotion from lecturer to senior lecturer, “The Faculties of the educational units that employ full-time Lecturer Series faculty shall establish unit criteria and procedures for D. No software installation. 3. All DEO`s directed to send the promotion cases to DSE up to 06. A lecturer wishing to be considered for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer or Principal Lecturer during an upcoming academic year shall notify his or her chair or program director and submit all evaluation materials to the Promotion Committee by the date stipulated in Section III. Lecturers (Architecture Engineering) Class-! (Gazetted) in the pay scale of Rs. In addition to the required years of service, applicants must demonstrate a record of sustained excellence in teaching and service. The VPAA’s Office will develop a list of Subject:· Regarding preparation of seniority of Lecturer/PGT (School Cadre). Seniority List; HM/Principal List; School Lecturers List; Senior Teacher & PTI List; HM/Principal Namankan/Yogyata & Sanshodhan/Abhivardhi/ Lecturer Namankan/Yogyata & Sanshodhan/Abhivardhi/ Sr. S:\admshare\Associate Dean Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment\P & T\P & T For Lecturers\P & T 2018 Senior Lecturer Promotion Process. 2000 was issued vide this Department Office Memorandum No. 2005 in compliance the Promotion form (signed) on the same due date for the school director’s confidential letter. Second, the set of expectations used in the lecturer promotion process is substantially different than those that apply to the assistant professor promotion process. The appointment to Senior Lecturer is a shared faculty and administrative responsibility involving recommendations from the Department Chair, in consultation withthe department’s tenured faculty and Senior Lecturers, and the CAS Dean. Criteria for Promotion: all general faculty ranks and tracks Promotion to Senior Lecturer: Faculty in their sixth year on the Lecturer track are eligible to be considered for promotion to Senior Lecturer. ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY . A Lecturer intending to be considered for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer or Principal Lecturer during the upcoming academic year shall notify the Department Chair by September 15. 04. b. 1. For consideration of promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer, at least one Lecturer faculty representative on the promotion committee must be at the rank of Principal Lecturer. This procedure details the process in relation to an annual mechanism which enables academic staff to apply for promotion to Ac3 Lecturer against a predetermined set of criteria. ACADEMIC PROMOTION TO AC3 LECTURER PROCEDURE . 2016 after removing objection for Seniority No. lecturer faculty for promotion to the ranks of Senior Lecturer or Principal Lecturer. Memo: It is informed that the final . Shop. Subject: Circulation of Seniority list of left out Lecturers (School Cadre) in the pay scales of Rs 6400- 10640 and revised pay scale of Rs 10300-34800+4200GP, up to 31-12-2010. This means that the process could start in the spring of the third year of service with the dossier being submitted for consideration of promotion in the fall of the candidate’s fourth year of service. These policies and procedures are adopted in accordance with section 13. Lecturers in SIS may make a case for promotion to Senior Lecturer during the proscribed period for review whether at the end of year one or any subsequent year of their employment in SIS. have a track record of eligible to immediately apply for promotion to senior lecturer in the next academic year. b; or iii. Date: Saturday, 20 June, 2020. C. me/historyofffutureeducation/718Second List-- https://t. Click to see full list Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer Candidates for promotion to Principal Lecturer will be considered under the same criteria but must meet appropriately higher expectations regarding the scope, range, or impact of activities, in addition to demonstrating ongoing growth as excellent teachers. me/historyofffutureeducation/719Best book for Himachal GK (In HINDI)--- https 5/2018 . Applications for promotion from Senior Lecturer (AC3) to Principal Lecturer (AC4) These guidelines are for staff on Standard Academic Contracts and on TeachingFocused - Contracts. 2018 31 Tahira Sagheer Dar D/O Sagheer 30. Criteria and Standards for Promotion to Principal Lecturer 1. In each of these years, the candidate must For promotion to Principal Lecturer, Principal Faculty Specialist, the committee must get three letters from individuals outside the University. On any device & OS. 5. Decisions regarding assessments of promotion from employment as a lecturer to employment as a senior lecturer shall be based on expected that lecturers will serve a minimum of three years in rank before seeking promotion to senior lecturer. 05. STAGES OF REVIEW DEPARTMENT REVIEW – STAGE I The faculty candidate’s department carries out the initial review of the candidate’s dossier. In accord with CBA section 13. Memo: In continuation to this Directorate letter No EDN-H(19)B(5)-5/87(SEN) dated 20 B. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer A Principal Lecturer shall have a background of exemplary teaching and other contributions to the College, marked by the perspective of maturity and experience. Dec 11, 2023 · Office Order in r/o Lecturers Promotion to Principal (School Cadre) Attachment Size; lect principal. Secure Spaces Sites will be set up for each candidate. The teacher has been teaching for one year and was promised a promotion at the time of hiring. Time in service at any rank does not necessarily imply having met the criteria for the next rank simply with the passage of time. ” Faculty under the instructional titles of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Principal Lecturer have Lecturers seeking promotion to Principal Lecturer. The promotionprocess begins when a dossier for to Senior or Principal Lecturer is submitted to the promotion committee for consideration. doc / . 06/07/2023. Content Owned by Directorate of School Education, Haryana . Criteria for Promotion to Principal Lecturer Promotion to Principal Lecturer must be accompanied by activities and evaluations that demonstrate consistent and continued excellence and effectiveness in teaching and in PSA and SAS activities. Criteria UNHLU (hereafter, CBA). Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Implementation / Promotion Process The academic ranks at Louisiana Tech University and the expectations for each are described in University Policy 2111. III. The teacher assures the principal that they will be grateful B. 1988 BPS-17 Adhoc /Regularized 19 Promotion 25. Appointment to Senior Lecturer Process . Supplement A These UGA guidelines apply to all lecturers (including lecturers, senior lecturers, and principal lecturers) within the College of Engineering’s three Schools: A. Eligibility and Criteria for Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer The candidate must have at least five (5) consecutive years of college-level teaching experience including at least three (3) years at the senior lecturer rank and/or the equivalent professional teaching experience. The revised seniority list of Lecturers (Mechanical Engineering) upto 31. B. c. Promotion Order - AG1 to Hostel Manager . 11. 2012. According to the provost’s general faculty policy, promotion to this rank requires “demonstrated excellence as a teacher. 1988 7. Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh - Shimla-171001 Phone : +91-177-2656621(O) Fax: 2811247 PBX : +91-177-2653575, 2653386 Pinterest. Watch. RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION TO SENIOR OR PRINCIPAL LECTURER . The promotion committee willbe comprised of faculty members as delineated: •For Promotion to Senior Lecturer: the division chair or program coordinator, at least one lecturer Seniority List; HM/Principal List; School Lecturers List; Senior Teacher & PTI List; HM/Principal Namankan/Yogyata & Sanshodhan/Abhivardhi/ Lecturer Namankan/Yogyata & Sanshodhan/Abhivardhi/ Sr. 4. ” 2. 2). For promotion to senior or principal lecturer, solicit letters of recommendation for or against promotion from the candidate’s department head, and from the tenured faculty members and non-tenure-track teaching Jan 1, 2022 · Registered Office. 0 appears in italic typeface. Establishment of Evaluation and Promotion Processes and Criteria By the end of the fall semester, 2015, each college will develop its criteria and processes for granting promotion to the ranks of Senior Lecturer and Principal Lecturer, consistent with overarching University Oct 9, 2020 · When you apply for a promotion, because you passed a higher degree (Master title), or simply gained more working experience or responsibilities within the current position, it's important to write a professional letter to the Principal or Dean, to open the discussion with him and/or the HR department about raising your salary as well. Schedule a. The Lecturer may submit a list of up to five (5) names of individuals from within C. 02. Teacher & PTI Namankan/Yogyata & Sanshodhan/Abhivardhi/ Vice Principal; Other; GAD(General Administrative Department) PSP(Private School Portal list. ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION TO SENIOR OR PRINCIPAL LECTURER Submit electronically as part of the PDF packet to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing Senior Teacher to Lecturer DPC List 2024-25 (वरिष्ठ अध्यापक से व्याख्याता स्कूल शिक्षा विभिन्न विषयों की चयन वर्ष 2021-22 एवं 2022-23 हेतु विभागीय पदोन्नति की चयन सूची) promotion. Candidates may elect to have their teaching evaluated under the academic year 2020-21 or 2021-22 . Likewise, senior lecturers Lecturer to Senior Lecturer. 1). zwwjleqnmqaqlkyxbykgwmtkqirzmyuwjmqvrzbojdewroztcqncwfzsftmlzmznjstqenjfloyhvmrvsxx