My cat ate yarn. My cat ate aboutnan6 inch piece of yarn.

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My cat ate yarn. Apr 5, 2024 · My Cat Ate String: What to Do Next.

My cat ate yarn My cat ate a half inch piece of yarn, 8 lbs, 10 minutes ago did not throw up, bella 8 months, online chat Doctor 4 Cats Board certified feline specialist. com. It’s possible that your cat ate string a week ago and is only just feeling the impact. However, this typically happens when a piece of the string gets wound around their tongue and is anchored in place. Read on to find out how to know if your cat has swallowed string and how to handle this stressful and, potentially dangerous, situation. The long length of the string can pose a threat to the cat while playing. When your cat’s condition does not change, it remains active and playful; they can pass this foreign object at home. Apr 5, 2024 · My Cat Ate String: What to Do Next. If your cat has eaten string, do not induce vomiting. 5 inches long She ate it around 2PM And all of sudden she tried to puke around 10 Customer: My cat ate a string and it is now stuck halfway inside her coming out of her butt. Good luck! My cat (7 years old) just puked out a long piece of yarn (around 60 cm). By chatting and My cat ate about 6-8" of string (diameter like yarn but is a nylon braid). Small animal medicine and Dec 5, 2020 · A balloon string, or any significantly large string that could get stuck inside your cat, can potentially be fatal for your cat if they happen to swallow it. The most common clinical signs that appear when a cat ingests a linear foreign body are: Answer: Your veterinarian may perform x-rays or ultrasounds to locate the string in your cat's digestive tract. My cat ate a 4 inch piece of yarn. Or should I call the vet right away? So far she seems okay, not refusing food but a bit sleepy. 3 upvotes · comments My cat just swallowed a piece of yarn (it seemed to be about 3 inches) before I could take it away from him. I am wondering what would be the best option to do. sometime in the last 3 days? I found out because he suddenly yowled today got. 7. It was stuck. Do I need to take her to be seen and have vomiting induced? Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. Bruce | 15 years of experience as a small animal veterinarian Stranger Things (2016) S02E05 Chapter Five: Dig Dug clip with quote I'm sorry. 5 Customer: My cat ate 5-8inches of yarn. The string probably made its way to her small intestine around 8-9pm, the food she ate at 11:15pm probably won’t reach her small intestine until 1-2am. 10. What is your cat's name and how old is it? Customer: his name is ***** ***** he is 2. Customer: I was playing with my cat, and he just ate about 2 inches of yarn. What should I do. I tried to grab him but he swallowed it. Customer: My cat ate about eight inches of yarn. He’s friendly, and I know that he is both neutered and vaccinated. He is acting fine but I’m nervous Veterinarian's Assistant: Thank you for sharing that about Tux. Fiona. Cat Veterinarian: Doctor 4 Cats The yarn will pass if it does not get caught along the way. I understand there are risks for this kind of stuff and I know what could possibly happen. Mar 9, 2025 · String Ingestion: Cats may swallow string, leading to vomiting and potential blockages. we went to the vet yesterday and she said to monitor his litter box but we havent found anything yet. . Eating a string can lead to many complications. In severe cases, you may notice a lack of appetite, dehydration, and even bloody stool. Jun 15, 2023 · What Happens When Cats Swallow String? If your cat swallows a string, there are various complications that can happen, most commonly a foreign body obstruction. Veterinarians often find cats have swallowed thread with a needle attached. He is currently sleeping. Concern: How can I prevent my cat from eating strings in the future? Treatment for string ingestion in cats may involve inducing vomiting, administering medications to help the cat pass the string, or surgical intervention to remove the obstruction. Once I realised she had been eating it I tried getting it out and it couldn’t. She ate it between 30 min to 4 hours ago. It was about 2-2. Dangers That A String Can Cause To Your Cat Mouth Can Get Obstructed. This can include yarn, fishing line, thread, eastern grass, tinsel May 27, 2020 · Make sure to put any string or yarn out of your cat's reach. Kittens, with their seemingly unlimited energy and curiosity, are at an increased risk of swallowing string. He's. His appetite and behavior have been completely normal since then, but he did vomit once about 24 hours later. May 27, 2020 · Make sure to put any string or yarn out of your cat's reach. 26,605 Satisfied Customers. Anytime your cat ingests string, call your vet immediately. Meet Wren, a sweet and affectionate cat who found herself in a dangerous situation after swallowing a piece of string. The term linear foreign body is a fancy term for any string-like matter that enters your cat’s system. How much of the yarn did the cat eat? Do you know her weight? Customer: 4-5 inches and she’s about 7 lbs Veterinarian's Assistant: How long has it been since she threw up? Dec 30, 2024 · Introduction: Wren’s Scary Encounter with String Cats are curious by nature, and sometimes their curiosity can lead to serious trouble. I am watching him for signs of vomiting, lethargy, etc, but do not want to take him to the emergency vet to dress stress him out and make it worse. Every time I try to give him medicine he vomits it, and he only poops when I use a suppository. He is acting fine and I can not see any yarn in his throat. Read on to find out how to know if your cat has swallowed string and how to handle this stressful and, potentially dangerous, situation. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. What should I do now? Hi all, My newly adopted cat ate a piece of wool yarn (about 3 inches / 8cm long) this morning. So far there are no concerning symptoms but she has yet to pass the string. Customer: My cat just ate some yarn maybe about 4-5 inches. 2009. $4000 later Ribbon and cats don’t mix, the way their tongue is the ribbon can only go in. The cat may also exhibit signs of abdominal pain, such as restlessness, lethargy, and a hunched posture. My sister just told me that apparently she ate it last night. A long piece of thread, string, or yarn, if swallowed, can cause a blockage of the cat's intestinal tract with subsequent perforation. Feb 6, 2025 · Signs That Your Cat Ate String. Pushka my sweet 22 year old girl passed today and I don't really have anyone to tell, she loved people even strangers and made people who disliked cats into a cat lovers with her affection. He is acting normally. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Most importantly is that you or your veterinarian check very closely to be sure the string is not looped and caught under the tongue. Customer: My cat ate some yarn Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear that! What is your cat's name and age? Customer: Smalls he is 8 months old Veterinarian's Assistant: Thank you for sharing that. It is nearly midnight and I called my nearest emergency vet (which is about an hour away) and the receptionist suggested that I take him in because they may be able to induce Customer: my cat ralphie ate 5 inches of knitting yarn 48 hours ago. I’ve given her a hydrogen peroxide solution to induce vomiting, but it has been 15 By chatting and providing personal Customer: My cat are two inches of yarn Ate Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear that your cat ate yarn. So how can you tell if your cat ingested it? Vomiting is the most common sign that your cat has eaten string. On the 13th at about 11pm my cat ate a 2-4 inch piece of acrylic yarn my cat is a female tabby 13yrs old and about 12lbs. I'll do all I can to help. Is my cat okay? Is she going to be okay? She seems to be fine but scared, and also won’t eat any treats given to her. It’s from my bookmark string (which is attached to book) she ate the end of it. My cat when I was a teenager ate My cat ate a half inch piece of yarn, 8 lbs, 10 minutes ago did not throw up, bella 8 months, online chat Doctor 4 Cats Board certified feline specialist. He’s not my cat per se, but he roams my apartment complex and will enter our apartment on occasion to warm up and eat. Cat > My cat was playing with a small piece of yarn about 2-3 inches and I think she ate it! I can't find it anywhere. My cat ate about five inches of 100% acrylic yarn yesterday morning. Aug 18, 2024 · If your cat has eaten string, the first thing you need to do is take away any string they’re playing with to prevent them from eating any more of it, then contact your vet as soon as you can, even if your cat seems fine. My cat ate aboutnan6 inch piece of yarn. she likes to find twist ties, string, etc. Bring them to a vet or emergency clinic immediately. she’s doing fine right now but what will I expect later if it gets worse? Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear that your cat ate yarn. If my own cat this same size ate this amount of yarn, I'd not be very worried. Customer: My cat ate some yarn at some point, just threw it up. This can include yarn, fishing line, thread, eastern grass, tinsel Mar 12, 2025 · Don't pull any visible string, and take her immediately to the vet if your cat vomits, loses appetite, is lethargic, or has abnormal bowel movements, or if you know she ate it recently. 5. There are chances that the string can get wrapped around the tongue base due to the movement of the tongue and the barbs. Luckily she's a heavy chewer so she chewed it up into small pieces before eating it and it was able to pass safely but I was in touch with an emergency vet and heavily monitored her for the next 48 hours before she was deemed out of the Cat Ate Yarn . Sep 25, 2023 · Ingestion of string is considered a medical emergency due to risks of obstruction, tissue damage, and severe infection. This needs immediate surgical intervention. No idea if it was all of it but she seems okay now, ate a bite or two of food and hasn't thrown that up yet. If it's been less than two hours since Ollie ate it, take him into a vet now to induce vomiting. I was super worried for the last few days and have been keeping a big eye on her. Dr. I was not 100% sure she ate it but I was 99% sure cause there was a piece of yarn with one end that was clearly ripped off by her. He has vomited a few times expectorating small pieces of yarn mixed with bile. Has he had any changes in his eating, drinking My cat ate yarn and she pooped it out less than 24 hours later I am writing this because last night my 6 month old cat swallowed about a foot of yarn and the internet convinced me she was going to die. When a long, thin, string-type object is ingested, it's referred to as a linear foreign body. One of the biggest concerns of cats eating string is a condition veterinarians refer to as linear foreign body. We have a vet appointment for her anyway this Sunday (it’s Friday now) so I’m just gonna wait to see how things go. 5 years old) ate a piece of string yesterday. I made an appointment for her tomorrow at 1 to make sure everything is okay. It typically takes a lot longer length of yarn to get to be a more critical issue. 1. In the wild, cats follow a hunt-kill-eat cycle, often My cat ate some yarn unknown when or how . Dec 21, 2020 · My cat (1. DrNickiDVM. Often, pet parents aren't present to see that their cat swallowed string. 6. Bruce | 15 years of experience as a small animal veterinarian When a cat bats around a piece of string or picks it up with their mouth, the wriggling of the string can trigger their hunting instincts. Customer: My cat ate yarn two days ago, she threw up a couple of times in the next 12 hours, so I thought she must have cleared it. Concern: Will my cat need surgery if they have ingested a string? Answer: In severe cases of intestinal blockage, surgery may be necessary to remove the string. Still, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian. I talked to Oct 2, 2023 · What If My Cat Ate String But Is Acting Normal? If you find that your cat ate string but is showing no side effects, your cat should pass the string in 10 to 24 hours. 30 years specializing in the medical needs of cats. I want to try to get him to vomit, but don't know if that's the safest route. He ate it around 3. Dec 5, 2020 · A balloon string, or any significantly large string that could get stuck inside your cat, can potentially be fatal for your cat if they happen to swallow it. I always have to watch her. It is nearly midnight and I called my nearest emergency vet (which is about an hour away) and the receptionist suggested that I take him in because they may be able to induce Jan 10, 2023 · If your pet has eaten a thread or string, you need to help him. You may not have been present when your cat swallowed string, but there are a few clinical signs that can indicate that this has happened. She had a string out of her mouth that I pulled out, and it was down her throat. If there are changes in behavior, this is a reason to visit a veterinary clinic. I am pretty sure he’s a younger aged tabby, and I’m guessing he weighs around 20 pounds. May 20, 2020 · Home > Cat > My cat swallowed yarn last night. I have an appointment with the vet on Friday but I am worried. Customer: My cat ate a piece of yarn yesterday, today it was hanging out of his but and he was freaking out trying to get it out I cut what was hanging out but then it looked like the little bit still hanging out just disappear Idk if it went back in or if he reate it. Your vet will likely ask you to bring your cat in for an examination. How much yarn did Smalls eat, and how long ago did this happen? Customer: Maybe four inches. She is eating and drinking like normal, however she is gagging a lot. It was solid food. Should I be worried/take him to the vet at this point or continue to monitor him and make sure that he passes this? Sep 30, 2022 · My Cate Ate String But is Acting Normal. I don't know if I could afford to go to the vet hospital My cat ate breakfast this morning at 10am, ate the string at 6pm on an empty stomach, ate again about 5 hours later at 11:15pm. Eating yarn and string is definitely something we worry about in cats because it is one of the most common things that can cause an obstruction. How can I prevent my cat from swallowing string? To prevent your cat from swallowing string, it is important to keep small objects out of their reach. By chatting and My cat ate string probably 1-2 days ago because he just pooped out 6-7in of string last night (Sunday) but my s/o (didn’t know what she was doing because its our first time having a cat) pulled it out because we both thought it was a worm or something (it’s not a worm because I washed it off and saw that it was a string from his toy) based from my panicked searches it’s bad that the My cat ate about 6-8" of string (diameter like yarn but is a nylon braid). Expert. I took him to the vet and it caused an obstruction in his gastrointestinal tract. Ideally we like to induce vomiting within 1-2 hours of ingestion before the piece of yarn moves out of the stomach. This is what you can do: Omg o think I did this to my cat by mistake. Otherwise, you will have to monitor him. He’s 10 months old and I’m worried sick of an obstruction. Eating string is a serious concern because it has the potential to become stuck in a cat’s stomach or intestines. Cats as a species often do not vomit with peroxide but it is worth the try. When Wren arrived at i-Care Veterinary Hospital in Coombs, BC, she was vomiting, lethargic, and My cat ate a half inch piece of yarn, 8 lbs, 10 minutes ago did not throw up, bella 8 months, online chat Doctor 4 Cats Board certified feline specialist. Unfortunately, string and yarn are very dangerous for cats. Feb 21, 2004 · My cat ate my DD's belt and the surgery to remove it cost $1500 I waited for her to poop it out, but she didn't. My cat ate a string of yarn (acrylic) while I was crocheting and it was the most stressful time of my life. What Kind of Strings Do Cats Swallow? Cats are natural predators, and they love to play-hunt with toys, strings, and objects around the house. Be mindful of household items like yarn, thread, and dental floss, and store them in secure locations where your cat cannot access them. String ingestion in cats is a common issue that can lead to various health complications, especially if the string is swallowed. Customer: Hi, my cat ate some yarn and vomitted it up and is still acting a bit peckish Veterinarian's Assistant: Hi there. My cat swallowed a lot of string and has been barely moving, eating or pooping for days. Now its been about 40 hours since she last pooped and has a sneeze and almost a wired coughing or something after she eats. String can be insidious, slowly but surely wreaking havoc inside your pet’s body. The reason why this condition can cause so much damage is due to the way it can cause an intestinal obstruction says Manhattan Cat Specialists . This can include floss, sewing thread, and fishing line. String can create holes in a cat’s intestines, also called If my own cat this same size ate this amount of yarn, I'd not be very worried. Most of what I’ve read says that I should leave it in and monitor her to see if she passes it herself. When a cat bats around a piece of string or picks it up with their mouth, the wriggling of the string can trigger their hunting instincts. My 5month old cat ate some yarn. Are there any signs that my cat has My name is Danny Jackson and I’m the CEO and Chief Editor behind Petloverguy. Linear Foreign Body & Your Cat. One of the most common signs that a cat has swallowed string is vomiting. I don't know if I could afford to go to the vet hospital Hi everyone, around 12:50pm i was putting my moms yarn away when my cat (3yrsold 18lbsmale) jumped out of nowhere and ate yarn. Hello, my cat is about 3-4 months old and just ate about an inch and a half of wet yarn (Not sure if that makes a difference) that was on the ground So on Monday my cat ate some plastic string that you get on carpets. I am scared because i know it can cause an obstruction. After spending a decade working with vets and private clients as an animal behavioral and nutritional specialist I co-founded Pet Lover Guy to help other pet parents learn how to interact with, and make the most of the time that they spend with their adopted and rescued best pet friends. The other potential X factor is if other stuff was eaten that it could wrap or get stuck on. If you saw your cat eat a string or suspect they did, don’t wait for symptoms to start — call your veterinarian or your local emergency animal hospital immediately for advice. If it’s a little ribbon, chances are there’s more in there than you think, unless you owned a single piece and watched him eat it, my cat had a ton of ribbon in his stomach, thankfully it was able to be removed via mouth. What size is the cat? How much of the yarn was eaten? Customer: it is a 6 month old kitten and wieghs about 5lbs Veterinarian's Assistant: How long has it been since the cat ate the yarn? My cat ate a half inch piece of yarn, 8 lbs, 10 minutes ago did not throw up, bella 8 months, online chat Doctor 4 Cats | Board certified feline specialist. If you see vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, or lethargy, he will need to see a vet right away. How can I prevent my cat from eating string? To prevent your cat from eating string, store sewing supplies, yarn, and other string-like objects in secure Jul 14, 2015 · My cat recently (within the hour) ate a piece of soft yarn about 6-7 inches long. The term "foreign body" refers to any non-food object located within the digestive tract. I didn't think anything of it when she was playing because she plays with yarn a lot, but I've never seen her eat it! Anyway I gave her some wet food right after and she ate it all, drank water and is acting normal. You ate my cat. Do not assume that, just because your cat is not behaving in a certain way, all is fine. Mar 12, 2025 · Don't pull any visible string, and take her immediately to the vet if your cat vomits, loses appetite, is lethargic, or has abnormal bowel movements, or if you know she ate it recently. he is eating, drinking and playing normally but im just a little paranoid. You can see it in the picture that end part is ripped off. With a large and long foreign object like a balloon string, there is the chance that it will get stuck in your cat’s intestinal tract. He threw some of it up. When a cat ingests string, it can cause several problems, including vomiting and, in severe cases, blockages in the digestive tract. While not always possible, knowing how much string your cat consumed is helpful information. Signs That Your Cat Ate String. his stomach isnt sensitive as she told me to gently palpate it and it doesnt bother hin Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I Customer: Hi, my cat ate some yarn and vomitted it up and is still acting a bit peckish Veterinarian's Assistant: Hi there. Sep 25, 2023 · Yes—it’s very dangerous for cats to eat string. Strings often make great prey because they are wiggly, tempting, and resemble a tail. phkych jfmwii wntf cinuwxn hucjaw dskfs lllh qpne hxx cwguvv wpsc rjmpm swtwur yzxcpr rulbd