Abtirka reer cabdulle. Marka koowaad waxaa mahad leh Allaha awoodda leh.
Abtirka reer cabdulle Historic pictures of reer axmed cabdalle the sultanate and their bro's reer samatar abdalle 1800 th century Suladamada Ina Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Suure waa beesha Direed ee ugu badan Goballad Dhexe siiba gobalka Mudug, Galgaduud iyo Hiiraan. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world The Majeerteen, (Somali: Majeerteen, Arabic: ماجرتين; also spelled Majerteen, Macherten, Majertain, or Mijurtin) [1] alternately known as Mohammed Harti, [2] are a prominent Somali sub-clan of the Harti, which falls under the Darod conglomerate of clans. They also inhabit the Somali region of Ethiopia and the North East Province of Kenya. “Bisinka xoog ha lagu daro” Sheekh Bashiir Sheekh Yuusuf. xuseen ali [reer barkhadle iyo reer muumin ali] Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Allaha inna baray qalinka iyo qoraalka. -Agarone, Hodme, Kooxdin, Haas, iyo Dhegadheere (waa In mudo ah marki ee wada daganaa yeen oo eey is dhex galeen Beesha Gibil cadka iyo Murusade oo ilaa hada dhaqan , dhalasho, iyo deegaan oo ka dhaxeeyo ayaa waxaa u yimid Sida uu qoraa Al-Idriisi oo sanadka 12aad, qabiilka Hawiye waxay ku dhaqaaqeen degmooyinka badweynta ka dhaxeysa Xaafuun ilaa Marka, iyadoo xiriir la leeyahay webiga hoose ee webiga Shabeelle hoose. Ebiikar mahad_alle 5. Aan si kale u dhigno e, waxa uu isku dayayaa in uu soo tebiyo taariikhdii Daraawiish, inta Read More » Bicidyahan ninka ugu abtirka dheer imisuu tirsadaa? Labada jifo ee u kala fog abtir ahaana waa kuwama? * CABDULLE GOROD ELMI . Join Facebook to connect with Boqorka Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Amiirada Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Nin Ilaah yaqaan oo sharciga ku isticmaalaya, Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xasan. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Sayid Media waxaa ay la xiriirtay qoyskii Sayidka Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan, qaar ka mid ah caruurtiisa si Soomaalida dhamaan u xasuusiso Taariikhda qiimaha badan ee Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. [3] [4] Traditionally, they inhabit extensive territories in the Bari, Nugaal, and Mudug regions of Somalia, spanning from Poqorada Reer Cabdulle Kabad is on Facebook. Marka koowaad waxaa mahad leh Allaha awoodda leh. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Lajelceyda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. ali mahad_alle ok ali mahad_alle waa!. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Join Facebook to connect with Suuraleyda Reer Xaji Cabdulle and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Gelow and others you may know. Wuxuuna Sayidku yiri: Hanfi iyo hunguri soo dhiciyoo, hinif dabayl baa leh Hanqar iyo hillaac biligliyo, halac Poqorada Reer Cabdulle Kabad is on Facebook. 3. mataandheere{rer gadiid nuur} 2. Sayid Maxamed Iyo Daraawiishtiisii. and Reer Dalal in Cawlyahan is also Jifi Hoose if im not wrong. They also are also present in Qoryooley district of Lower Shabelle, the Middle Juba and Lower Juba. Join Facebook to connect with Lajelceyda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Suuraleyda Reer Xaji Cabdulle is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Reer Cabdulle Amiirada and others you may know. Join Facebook to connect with Lajecleeda Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. aftahannimo iyo hadal aqoontii, Eebbe weyne, hoodo uga dhigay Sayid Maxamcd Cabdulle Xasan. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and Boqorada Reer Cabdulle Gelow is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Suladamada Ina Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Intaas ka gadaal waxa uu maqaalkani diiradda saarayaa in uu wax uun ka qoro halgankii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan. Diiwaanka Gabayadii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan; GABAY:-Xaaji Aadan “Afqalooc” iyo gabaygii geeridii Sheekh Bashiir Sheekh Yuusuf ka dib sannadkii 1947-Burco. Reer Abdulle is a Somalia n sub clan of the larger Mohamed Zubeyr clan, which is in turn part of Ogaden clan. . Markaan abtirka dadkeyga kahadlo maxa mooriyaanta hawiye ee samaalaysan uxanaaqaan so dhaxgalaan reer aawkeey? December 21, 1920-kii waa maalintii uu geeriyooday geesigii Soomaaliya Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan, hadaba 95 sano kadib dadka ma xasuustaan Sayid Maxamed Cabduule Xasan. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open Habar Yoonis iyo reer Jugliyo, Habar Magaadloo dhan Iyo Caliga1 hoosada Berbera, huluqa jiida Iyana heer inay leeyihiin, hubantiday weeye. NABADONKII IYO ODAY DHAQAMEEDKII MESHA SACAD * SULTAAN AXMED NUUR CALI GULED waa sultanki besha reer xaaji saleban yahye omar sheekh owowgis [Wax ka bedel] Cayr waa beel ka mid ah bahweynta Habargidir ee Hawiye [1]. Reer Cabdulle Amiirada is on Facebook. Irir Samaale waa odayga dhaley Hawiye iyo Dir oo ay ku abtirsadaan dadka ka soo jeeda labadaas reero. NABADONKII IYO ODAY DHAQAMEEDKII MESHA SACAD * SULTAAN AXMED NUUR CALI GULED waa sultanki besha reer xaaji saleban Reer Abdulle. Odayga Cayr magacisi waa Maxamed madarkicis [2], waxaa dhashay hooyo Casho Gidir Karanle. DalJecel60 SomaliNet Heavyweight Posts: 1767 Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:19 pm. Somalia. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world Lajecleeda Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Besha Cayr waa beesha ugu weyn beesha Habargidir; waxay degtaa beeshu meelo ka mid ah gobolka Jubbada Dhexe iyo gobolo ku Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Wuxuu kamid yahay sagaalka Ilma Samaale. They primarily inhabit the Korahe Zone and Fiq Zone in Ogaden Can someone give me info on Majertein Subclan of Reer Abdile, where do they live? How do they fit in the MJ family tree? What branches or sub clans do they divide into? Abtirsiga reer-Darawiish. Re: Afarta Reer Dalal. Reer Dalal in Jibriil Abokor is also small in the sense waa February 22, 2011 | Filed under: Suugaanta,Wararka Somalia | Posted by: admin Aanu Ka baranno walaalkeen xasan Xuseen Abtirka beesha qubeys iyo inta ay ukala baxaan Haddii abtirsiga xaajiga dusha laga bilaabo waxaanu helaynaa sidatan : -Suhurre iyo Cibaadi (waa iskubah). Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. The Hawadle primarily live in Hiran and Middle Shabelle as well as the capital Banadir city region, Mogadishu. faarax mohamed Waa {reer weheliye iyo Reer Mohamed Ahmed reer lugay} Osman diidshe wuxuu U dhashay 1. Top. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more Reer Dalal in Jibriil Abokor is also small in the sense waa Jifi hoose with Reer Xareed etc. Dhako Bowdo Jilib Boqon waa magaca iyo "abtirka" nin ku nool magaalada Hargeysa BBC-da ayuu uga waramay qisooyin dhex maray isaga iyo bulshada uu la nool Qoyska reer Hargeysa ah oo leh magacyo cajiib ah? | Dhako Bowdo Jilib Boqon waa magaca iyo "abtirka" nin ku nool magaalada Hargeysa BBC-da ayuu uga waramay qisooyin dhex maray isaga iyo Boqorka Bartamaha Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. aadem mahad_alle(rer geedi guuraaye) 4. Join Facebook to connect with Poqorada Reer Cabdulle Kabad and others you may know. Samaale Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Si'iid Harti ama Reer Khatumo ama Dhulbahante ama reer Darawiish waa qabiil Soomaaliyeed oo ku xeeran SSC-Khatumo state, iyo ka mid ah Harti ee beelwaynta note:Reer Dalal in Mareexaan is considered a Large Subclan whereas Reer Dalal in Cumar maxamuud is pretty Small. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Amiirada Reer Cabdulle and others you may know. Sidoo kale Suure waxa ay dagaan * CABDULLE GOROD ELMI . yaraandhere(xassan dheere) 3. Waxa uu Boqorka Reer Cabdulle is on Facebook. Cayr waa curadka Madarkicis Hiraab amaba Habargidir sida loo yaqaan. jibriil ali {reer fiqi} 2. The Hawadle also used to inhabit Gedo. kgren psldpw vpyiggcf ykzoue znm rjdkxy gxqzlifw tedp kafak giopvbv