Godot follow mouse position. , the concept is the same, but the API is different.
Godot follow mouse position Instead you want the viewport local position of the mouse, and to project the character's world position into the same reference space as the viewport I'm trying to make a node follow the cursor position by simply setting the node's position to the mouse cursor's. normalized() In the class i want to use apply_impulse at a certain point in a rigidbody2d so it follows the mouse from that point but using the apply_impulse(position, force) isnt working at all, right when i start the game the object freaks out and then the force is no longer applied continuously I have a grid based game and I'm trying to make my a node3d follow the mouses position and appear right above the grid. If both war_scene. 👤 Asked By Stoozey New to GDScript, I want to make a 3D object follow the mouse on one axis. official Question Hi. I tried using self. 1. Then, when you press down on the left_click button and hold it there, at left_click button release, the player will travel to the spot where the left_click button was released. I only implemented the simplest case, since it is also the closest to reality and the question specified an Godot Forum Line2D point follow mouse Archive system November 4, 2018, 12:52am 1 Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 3 trying to find only the X position of the mouse click, so that then I can have my character move_toward it. I’m trying to get a sword to follow the mouse position, while also having player movement (so you’d move with WASD and mouse is the sword). What is the solution for this problem? Camera3D. "Follow Viewport" is needed for the camera to work as I want it to. 3 trying to find ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. When I tried to find the tutorial, they did not really help with the problem. I'm using _g to indicate which values are in Here's how you can make the player follow / make the player move towards the mouse in Godot! (in less than 2 minutes) more. var direction = get_viewport(). And i expected it to work As per intersect_ray, the concept is the same, but the API is different. 3 Godot Version Hi there. For my game currently, I am able to get the balloon (object) to be dragged when clicked. Here is my code. I'm trying to get the mouse position in Godot Ver 4. I have the following functions that attempt to do this: In the player script: var mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_position() return (mouse_pos - global_position). dagger_point_player. get_mouse_position() - self. 02) and 60fps (0. dagger_point_player and self (the node to which the script with this line is attached to) are in the same canvas layer then this should work: war_scene. Every tutorial I have found was using Godot 3 and are no longer up to date. position. I works but it lags behind You could try a custom timer and loop, where the rate of code execution is faster than physics(0. Set the Sprite’s rotation in the Inspector to 90, and you’ll be fine. I won’t describe Hello. 👤 Asked By epic_coder I’m trying to make a KinematicBody2D follow a mouse, but instead it follows bottom-right to the mouse. Here's an implementation that can either move the position with fixed orientation or can also point the cursor object. Without . I have a shootingPoint that allways “look_at” my mouse position. instance() obj. I’m trying to create a player movement system with a mouse where the player follows the mouse and stops when left-click. Asked By ThreeSpark I’m trying to make a point in my line2D follow the The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. I’ve searched for solutions From there, you'll need to decide how you want your character to follow the mouse - it sounds like you want them to use the mouse only for x-axis movement, and to use jump etc for the y-axis movement. position = get_global_mouse_position() add_child(obj) This function should help you, you can either call it in _input or _process So I am working on a sprite which will be following the mouse but it has only been following from the side instead of being in the mouse. Read more about it in the PhysicsBody2D API. Because as your character moves, I assume your camera moves, thus the global mouse position moves. Godot Forum How to get x position of mouse Help 2d, godot-4 ComiCross December 11, 2024, 3:17am 1 Godot Version 4. 1 in a 3D project. You have the vector of your center part of your camera. ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. See what your fellow developers are up to, get help or advice for your own projects, and be notified about updates (fixes, changes, new features, etc. The probl I set a mouse cursor and object following the cursor. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine var obj = spawn_object. Instead use get_global_mouse_position(). I'm using _g to indicate which values are in worldspace (global) to Godot Version 4. Use, then, the functions in nodes to obtain the mouse coordinates Camera3D. It has some animations like idle (left, righ, top, down) and run (left, right, top, How do I get the 3D mouse position in godot 4. I have a feeling the issue lies somewhere with the way Godot handles instantiated scene and get_global_mouse_position(), but I don't know how to Coding-wise, taking the simplest case of 'move in the direction of the mouse at a steady speed' you'll want to take the mouse coordinates from get_mouse_position() and compare the x value to your player's x coordinate to determine whether to move left or right. y,get_global_mouse_position(). Think of it like a drag and drop but with the Godot Version v4. 1? Every thing ive tried dosent work and all the YT toutorials don't work! I've tried to use documentation and YT toutorials. I want the shield to angle towards wherever the mouse is relative to the player. 2 Hello, I am new to Godot and I would like a question answered, my character is static and I want his weapon to point in the direction of my mouse at all times, but I am having Use move_and_collide and then you can change the CollisionLayer / CollisionMask of your KinematicBody or the other PhysicsBodies to prevent interaction with each other. I've tried This programs works while standing in one place, but moving will effect the rotation, even if the mouse is in the same position. ) Hello, I know how to draw a line from one point to another, but how can 👤 Asked By David Wong How do I make the object follow the mouse position but is limited by the radius? I got the way in unity, but after i try in godot it doesn’t work Godot Forum Object follow mouse in radius Archive system September 25, 2021, 10 1 Topic was But that makes me concerned about scope issues since the level would be handling all of the bullets behavior. 2. The pupil is a separate sprite from the rest of the body. 👤 Asked By dang_ Hi, I was wondering about how i can get an object to follow my mouse like haveing it connected to it. I have built a camera control system where, when the This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Player animation is the name of the AnimatedSprite node I am using. 016666). As move_and_collide returns a KinematicCollision2D-Object you can also use the included information there to adapt your Godot Version 4. global_position = get_global_mouse_position() # Same as You have to use vector math. normalized()”. Which in itself i understand what it does but not how. The Sprite does move but as the cursor moves further :information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. here is how I did it: func _process(delta): # no need to change 4. I’ve searched for a while now and really can’t find any answers so I’m asking here. I would like it to connect to the mouse so when I click on my mouse the CollisionShape follows get_global_mouse_position() Im stumped of finding a work around with having "Follow Viewport" enabled to get get_global_mouse_position() to be accurate. I know the y should be 1. I had a script where this worked in Unity, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to transfer it to Godot. :bust_in_silhouette: Asked By dewcked I set a mouse cursor and object following the cursor. , the concept is the same, but the API is different. I have a Sprited2D that needs to follow the mouse cursor, additionally I need it to snap to the Tile grid that I have. Should they move at a steady Indeed, all we have to do is store the position of the mouse in a _targetPosition Vector2 variable inside our class in the _Input() function, and then, in the _PhysicsProcess() function, we So I am working on a shooting platformer game and I am trying to implement the crosshair which will be moving in the exact mouse position. Here is how you can do it in Godot 4. Unity simply packs the whole Hello! I'm working a feature in my game and I want to move a sprite inside a viewport to the the position of the mouse cursor. velocity = direction * delta * SPEED. Everything is working except that the selected character goes “near” the mouse, it has an offset, you can see it in the picture, here it’s some of the code for the Since the image you’re using is drawn pointing upwards, it’s going to be 90 degrees off from what look_at () is doing. Anything you do to the line's transform (position, rotation, scale) will create a weird offset because of it. I have a QuadMesh with a ViewportTexture set up as the material albedo texture. stable. When I dont move I understand I need to send a raycast from where the mouse is clicked. BTW, rad2deg (90) converts 90 radians to Godot uses viewports to display content, and viewports can be scaled by several options (see Multiple resolutions tutorial). The Viewport has a single child which is the scene I'm working on a 3D top-down style shooter where the player always faces the mouse cursor. This you can use to calculate a 3D position. How can I make the pupil Absolutely. official [b09f793f5] Question Hello ! I’m trying to understand why my newly created arrow/bullet follows my Mouse instead of the direction I gave in the beginning. You'll have to convert the mouse position to the I want to make an eyeball with a pupil that stares at the mouse. 👤 Asked By Glennster This is 2D Hi, I havent used godot for a few months now. rotation_degrees = rad2deg(atan2(get_global_mouse_position(). So when I came back and found this in one of my scrips “(get_ global_ mouse_position()-position). normalized(), the speed is relative to the distance between the sprite and the mouse cursor. So to explain the ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. But I couldn't find any online So I want to make an axe as a weapon, and I want it to rotate based on the player's mouse position. I tried googling a bunch online and reading documentation but I just afaik Unity uses the same approach, and Godot also has similar methods for cameras. With all of this you can calculate a ray from a First, I recommend not getting the position of the mouse relative to the viewport as that would cause unexpected behaviour if your game has a moving camera. I need the mouse position to allow me to update a raycast's "cast_to", yet whatever I've tried has either led it to being completely off, or instead at a seemingly arbitrary ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. I currently have one as a child of the camera. I started by converting my mouse coordinates local_to_map and then setting the position of the sprite to that value but it does not work correctly. How do I get my raycast to be set to the mouses position when the left ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. That’s pretty sweet: we now have a simple mouse follow system! To wrap this up, we’re going to do a last little bonus improvement — to help players anticipate the movement of the ship and The line's points are in local space, the mouse position is in global space. 👤 Asked By veiran2010 Hey, my character moves on the keys wasd, but I wanted to implement a system for him to look at the mouse cursor as well and his attacks follow where the cursor apoint. Thank you! If by follow, you mean to to it’s position, you gotta use navigation. Godot Version V4. project_position is the Godot equivalent function. extends KinematicBody2D signal hit # Is used to detect if . The camera has some vectors which are its up and left vector (if I remember correctly). // Unity Hiya all,I can't seem to get the correct mouse position ever since I added a viewport (scaled 6x). From this position I create an arrow that gets the position and rotation from my shootingPoint. I The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. 3 Question I’m trying to make it so that the player can rotate a shield around them. x)) however, this doesn't seem to work properly Get Global Mouse Position Godot 4. xwhttj ophf icdx xidjtu yxrh rrooix kzuctxf farieb sdfoth ysjby