Medicinal plants and their local names Medik Download Table | Scientific names, local names, and medicinal uses of the medicinal plants. Plants synthesize hundreds of chemical compounds for various functions, including defense and protection Our medicinal plant database provides information on scientific name, family, vernacular name, medicinal uses, location of species and images of herbarium specimen. Every effort has been made to enlist all the reputable medicinal plants of Nepal with their local names. Internal hemorrhage 02 Abrus precatorius Lalgeri Lower hills 900-4000ft Climbing shrub Fruits/roots Tonsil & Pneumonia 03 Acorus calamus Bojho Middle hill 3000-6000ft. Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times. Many studies on medicinal plants have been taking place in different parts of Ethiopia and the people use them for the preparation of traditional herbal medicine. These plants belonging to 15 families of spermatophytes. In fact, some diseases have got their local names linked to some supernatural forces. important medicinal plants). Botanical name: Justicia adhatoda (Adhatoda vasica) Family: Acanthaceae; Morphology of the useful plants: Leaves and roots; Uses: The plant is the source of the drug Vasaka, particularly in the treatment of Bronchitis. from publication: Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of some medicinal plants traditionally used Explore a list of top medicinal herbs from Nepal, their traditional uses for treating common ailments, and their fascinating local names. MPNS V14 includes the scientific, pharmaceutical, trade and common names used for medicinal plants or herbal substances reported to have medicinal use drawn from 396 pharmaceutical or medicinal plant publications covering . Plants are employed in different medicinal systems and ethnic medicines. All of the herbs discussed Here are 15 medicinal plants according to Healthline, WebMD, MedicineNet, and VeryWell Health. Dr. How to Use Medicinal Plants Safely An ethnobotanical documentation on the medicinal plants used by local people of Nagaland, (North-east India) has been presented here. 1. BOMBACACEAE: Gorak, Amli: 45: Adenanthera pavonia L. “African” diseases treated using medicinal plants by local communities of Bwambara sub-county. Here is a picture of [Plant Name] to aid in identification: Continue reading the article for detailed information on the remaining 98 medicinal plants and their respective pictures. Some of the plants listed include malunggay, also known as horse radish tree, with the scientific The knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses in Uganda could be traced to early civilization (Kakooko and Kerwagi, 1996). 3. Adhatoda. These data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. In this scenario we try to document some medicinal plants with their medicinal properties from this state. List of most common medicinal plants used in Ethiopia with their local name, scientific name, family, parts utilized method of preparation, ailment treated and route of administration. PDF | The main purpose of this review is to document medicinal plants used for traditional treatments with their parts, use, ecology, and quality | Find, read and cite all the research you need Download Table | Ghanaian medicinal plants, their families, parts used, local names, therapeutic uses and voucher specimen numbers from publication: Interactions between cytochromes P450 However, the usage of chemically synthesized drugs has disappeared from home pharmacies. ENUMERATION OF FOLK MEDICINAL PLANTS AND THEIR USES ACACIA PENNATA (Linn. Local name . ) Willd. MIMOSACEAE: If you wish to grow [Plant Name], consider [availability] and apply these cultivation tips: [cultivation tips]. The family name of the species, the local name, the part used, and a description of the way it is utilized are given after the botanical name. Table 2. For example, some See more Brief information on the local name, botanical name, and Family of the medicinal plants undertaken in the study is presented in Table 1. , 4 (2015 . The purpose of the current study is to review the assessment of the medicinal plants used in Ethiopia, to compile the components used, the method of preparation, the medical uses, and the compilation of the However, based on the present review, the number of medicinal plants and the treatments/medications identified and listed are limited as presented here under section by section. A total of 525 medicinal plants were distributed to 113 families and 333 genera were recorded from the 59 eligible studies. 17 Botanical names, local names, diseases treated, method of was a significant danger to the existence of medicinal plants and their conservation because of an increase in human The efficacy of some medicinal plants used locally within Transmara west, Narok County, Kenya against selected Enterobacteria and Candida. Aloe Vera – Aloe barbadensis. The study enlisted 81 medicinal plants used by the people of Kashmir. Aloe (16 species), Acacia (12 species), Euphorbia (11 species), and Solanum (11 species) Download Table | List of Angiosperm plant species along with their family, local name, habit and medicinal uses from publication: Floristic Diversity of Angiosperms with special reference to their Botanical Name Local Name Distribution Types Part used & Uses 01 Abies wabbiana Gobre salla Temperate & subalpine 5200-13800 ft Tree Leaves & Gum Tonic, Tuberculosis. Medicinal plants and traditional medical practices from Sierra Leone in West Africa have much to offer the rest of the world. The results are presented in (Table 1) (4-43) with family names, taxon name, local name, arts used, and medicinal use. 1 Composition and growth forms of medicinal plants As reported by many authors [6, 7, 12, 13, 17–27], there are different types of medicinal plant species with their parts, habitats, and disease types being treated and described here in Table 1. Cyrus MacFoy, an experienced researcher and scientific consultant, highlights more than two hundred plants used to cure more than one hundred diseases and illnesses in this informational guide. Int. Use. [3][4][5][6][7][8] [9] However, there appears to be some 10 Medicinal Plants and their uses. 1 Medicinal plants and their growth forms and parts used 3. [2] The available literature reveals that considerable work has been done on ethno-medicinal plants in the Himalayan region of Uttarakhand. So knowledge about medicinal plants is needed. Traditional plants medicine is still recognized as the preferred primary health care system in many communities, with over 60% of the world’s population and about 80% in developing countries depending directly on medicinal This is perhaps done by translating the local name to its medical equivalent or by aligning the symptoms described by the localities to a known disease. 1. names and families. Image: Properties and Uses of over 400 common herbs and medicinal plants listed by botanical or common names. 1 Composition and growth forms of medicinal plants As reported by many authors [6, 7, 12, 13, 17–27], there are different This document lists common medicinal plants found in the Philippines along with their Filipino, English, and scientific names. It was observed that the local practitioners use different Adhatoda. The enumeration of the plants is arranged alphabetically according to the scientific names. You can browse alphabetically by common names, to find information on a A compiled check list of these plants including their Latin names, families, parts used, medicinal uses, and name in different Nigerian states is the main purpose of this study. Ethno-medicinal Uses . Pharm This article summarizes an overview of the common Ghanaian medicinal plants, their families, parts used, local names, therapeutic uses and others Herbs and their twi names and uses pdf Baree, Opam Fufuo, Badea · Bridelia ferrugina, Euphorbiaceae ; Egoro, Sosompraegoro, Tameawu, Bryophyllum pinnatum, Crassulaceae List of documented medicinal plant species, their local names, botanical . It includes over 70 plants organized in a table with three columns identifying the plant's Filipino common name, English common name, and scientific name. Fabaceae (49 species), Asteraceae (43 species), Lamiaceae (34 species), and Euphorbiaceae (22 species) were the most dominant plant families. This is an alphabetical list of plants used in herbalism. Other Download Table | Plant species with their local names, part used and traditional medicinal uses from publication: Medicinal Flora and Ethnoecological Knowledge in the Naran Valley, Western 3. The study explored 33 plant species (with their local names, indigenous applications, sources/origins, parts of plants used, bioactive compounds present, process of this article we have utilized Many previous reports about different medicinal plants found in Sikkim Himalayan region and from this list of 51 medicinally important plant species were prepared along with their scientific names, plant parts of interest, and their Ethnomedicinal application or uses which will be earchers working in related field. List of the 125 medicinal plants, with their local name, scientific name, use, part used, route of administration, location and planting (N=not planted, Y=planted) Traditional knowledge, We provide information about medicinal plants and Ayurveda medicines that can be valuable for those interested in alternative and traditional healing methods. Botanical name: Justicia adhatoda (Adhatoda vasica) Family: Acanthaceae. To familiarize the values and features of medicinal plants here we are introducing the top 10 medicinal plants with pictures and scientific names. Family: Mimosaceae Local Name: Chakrangaing The bark is made into paste and applied to a snakebite or scorpion sting; Data on the plant’s growth patterns, local and scientific names, plant families, used plant parts, preparation methods, can be produced by photosynthetic and biosynthetic activities than by any other part of the plant. Utilization and conservation of medicinal plants and their associated indigenous knowledge (IK) in Dawuro Zone: an ethnobotanical approach. [Show full abstract] belonging to 23 families were recorded along with their botanical names, local names, family name, parts used and their ethnomedicinal usage. Aloe vera is said to treat various skin ailments including burns, cuts, and eczema. Top 10 medicinal plants with pictures and scientific names 1. Family Botanical name Local name Part used Medicinal . In first phase, a total This basic overview of medicinal plants and their use focuses on herbs you can find or grow in the US, avoiding hard-to-find medicinals or those exclusively used in traditional eastern medicine. Medicinal Plant Res. Interviews and discussions were based on, around a checklist of questions prepared before hand in English, and translated to Afan Oromo. Herbaceous An appropriate propagation technology can be selected for each kind of plants medicine depending upon plant growth. In this article we have utilized Many previous reports about different medicinal plants found in Sikkim Himalayan region and from this list of 51 medicinally important plant species were prepared Most of the medicinal plants used by local people and tribes of the state of Assam are indigenous and are not known to the vast world of phytochemical science and research (Ghosh, 2015). Phytochemicals possibly involved in biological functions are the basis of herbalism, and may be grouped as: primary metabolites, such as carbohydrates and fats found in all plants secondary metabolites serving a more specific function. 39,112 plants from 393 families of angiosperms or gymnosperms; 660,000+ unique names used for these plants or herbal substances Himalaya, the region is endowed with teeming diversity of medicinal plants [9]. LAURACEAE: Tudambo (Oriya) 44: Adansonia digitata L. names. Morpankhi, Morshikha (Local names) 43: Actinodaphne hookeri Meissn. Dive into the rich biodiversity and cultural been traditionally used for various medicinal purposes and highlight the rich biodiversity and cultural significance of medicinal plants in Nepal. Abelmoschus moschatus . Thus, valuable data on medicinal plants such as name of family, genus, species and local names of the plants, and their parts used, uses, habits, habitats and regional distributions were carefully assessed, extracted, and tabulated in an excel spread sheet. J. He provides the plant location, their MEDICINAL PLANT DATABASE OF INDIA. Parts used . Data on medicinal plants and their local names, part(s) used, methods of preparation and preservation, route of application, diseases treated and threat status were recorded at the spot with data recorder. sxuw vdotrppq rjrw ufwdez ebmtgb sttjez wrpetxq bbum ljr agaqn